Chapter 34

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(This chapter might have slight gore I woke up feeling angsty today)

"Y'know you're a really smart guy...but how the fuck do you wear these clothes?!" Enji laughed out before snapping his fingers and his clothes changing from the white shirt, blue jacket and dark green cargo pants into a dark red shirt, a black jacket with red lines across the bottom, black jeans and black boots. "That's way more comfortable~!" Enji said as he stretched. Vinny backed away more causing Enji to sigh and smirk.

"Are you that scared of me~? I feel so offended, I'm your friend~" Enji spoke out dramatically before crouching down to Vinnys' line of eye. "I introduced myself...your turn~" he added as he grabbed the cameramans' cheeks harshly causing him to jerk away. Enji stared at him as if he wanted an answer, "You clearly know who I am..." Vinny said as he looked away, this made Enji chuckle, "You're right...I do, I know more about you that you know of yourself~" the black haired menace spoke, causing Vinny to give him an annoyed look.

"Y'know....if it were up to me~.....I would have killed you already...." Enji hissed out his voice becoming more distorted and him grabbing Vinny by his collar. "But it isn't and frankly you are quite useful!" he added his voice returning back to normal. "Then why isn't up to you...what are you? A dog on a leash for someone?" Vinny hissed causing Enji to punch him in his face. "Fuck! Ouch!" the cameraman hissed as he used his hands to cover where he was punched.

"You're getting quite an attitude and I don't like that...but if you're that curious about who I am voluntarily working's the cape guy you saw last time!" He responded to Vinny who backed down and went back to being quiet. Enji put on a black cape and let out a sigh, "I can't have you telling anyone about me..." He said before grabbing Vinny and throwing him to the floor. "I should put you in your place...."He added his voice slowly becoming more aggravated and violent. Vinny flinched and tried to leave but the door was locked.

Enji smirked before mist filled the room and he turned into an exact copy of Garmadon. "W-what the fuck...?" Vinny whimpered out before stepping away. "Something wrong?" Garmadon Enji said in Garmadons' voice. Vinny tensed, "Y-you're not real...a-and you're not him..." The cameraman whimpered out as he panicked more trying to open the bathroom door. "Are you scared of it because I'm a monster..?" Enji said in disguise before grabbing Vinnys' chin.

"N-no no no no no....s-stop this...stop it!" Vinny panicked out before dropping to his knees. Garmadon/Enji smirked before transforming back, "You're caring so much now....but you clearly don't care about how he feels when you keep secrets~" Enji teased as he dusted himself off, "I-I thought you don't want me t-tell anyone..." Vinny whimpered out.

"You're right....I...I want our little secret to eat you up! To make you feel guilty about not telling anyone and to watch it slowly destroy you and all of the relationships you have with everyone!" Enji said with a sadistic smile on his face, causing Vinny to hide his face, "Awww....don't cry~ Especially when you're hiding your face" The sadistic figure laughed out before lifting up Vinnys' chin.

A blade appeared in Enjis' hand and he made Vinny look directly at him before grabbing the cameramans' hand before slowly digging the blade into it, a bone chilling horrifying scream escaped Vinnys' mouth and he tried to pull his hand away but Enjis' grip was too strong, "S-stop i-it!" Vinny cried out trying to pull away but that made the blade move more. He looked away and winced and screamed in pain. Enji grabbed his cheeks and made him look back at him his eyes now were blue again and he had the same sadistic smile.

"Oh this is so fun~! Don't you think~?!" Enji giggled out before taking he blade out and stabbing him again. "P-please! S-stop!" Vinny cried out letting out a choked sob. "I think we're doing it somewhere a bit too obvious~" He added before taking the blade out and then stabbing his foot causing another pained scream and for him to jerk away. "Don't move~" Enji chuckled out before pushing the blade in further, Vinnys' hands were covered in blood and he was holding his stab hand close, while crying out and screaming in pain for him to stop.

"Oh wow...I bet if I didn't make this room sound proof the whole monastery could have heard you~ And you're so dramatic~!" Enji laughed out before taking out the blade, "You're the one that stabbed me first~" He added trying to make it seem like this was Vinnys' fault. Vinny curled up in a ball as Enji continued to torment him.

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