Chapter 42

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Vinny stared at them and took the blade out of his pocket before beginning to swing it around with the sheath on, he doesn't trust himself that much to not cut himself. Vinny found it interesting the way they sparred with each other, they were really good at this. He took the sheath off the blade and stared at it again before noticing the sides were laced with what seemed to be bone? The bone covered the edges and seemed quite sharp, but Vinny obviously being sleep deprived forgot about how sharp blades were and pressed his finger against it, it was really sharp and cut his finger and bled slightly. "Shit..." he hissed in pain.

"Weird...Rida just said it was made with red obsidian isn't white and it isn't this as sharp..." Vinny mumbled to himself as he looked at the blade closer slowly drifting off into thought and becoming unaware of his surroundings. "Where would someone get something like this...?" He thought before deciding to look at the sheath. It was made of leather, which seemed way way tougher than normal leather. It covered the blade but not the handle, and it had orange and red jewels along sliver lining as well as having a star on both sides it was quite pretty.

"Shit! Vinny watch out!" Kai shouted as he accidently sent some of the fire balls that way. Vinny looked up unaware of what was happening and saw a bunch of fire balls headed his way, he didn't have much time to react, and just tried to cover his face while still holding the blade. To everyones' surprise the flame didn't hit Vinny, instead it was absorbed into the blade. "Shit shit shit! I'm so sorry!" Kai repeated as the others ran over to Vinny to check if he was alright. "Are you alright?!" Nya instantly questioned worriedly "Where'd the fire go?!" Jay asked curiously.

"Y-yea I'm fine..."Vinny responded, he was just as shocked as everyone else and continued to hold the blade. "He is correct there is no injury evident and as for the fire, it was...absorbed?" Zane said, he sounded a little confused like the others as to where the flame went. "Absorbed? Into where?" Cole asked, Zane looked at Vinny and began scanning for large amounts of power, his attention was caught by the blade. "My observation has concluded it went into that blade" The ice ninja said as he pointed towards the blade Vinny was holding.

"The blade? How?" Jay asked as he looked at the blade Vinny was holding. "Vinny...can I see the blade please?" Nya asked as she looked at the blade intently. The cameraman nodded and handed the blade to Nya, "It' and lightweight...Zane can you see if you can find the things int's made of?" Nya asked, which the ice ninja nodded and was handed the blade. As Zane began observing the blade the others asked Vinny questions, "Where'd you get it? And are you sure you're not burned?" Nya asked as she observed Vinny, "I-I don't really remember where I got it, and I promise I'm fine" Vinny responded.

Kai looked back at the blade and observed it, "Do you just keep that in your pocket with no cover?" The fire ninja asked, "N-no, I have it right here" Vinny responded as he showed the group the sheath. Vinny gave it to Kai who deeply observed it, "This isn't made of normal leather" The fire ninja said as he touched it. He learnt a lot from being a blacksmith for some time and when his father came back he learnt from him. "Is it fake?" Cole asked, Kai shook his head, "It definitely isn't fake,'s way rougher and tougher" Kai responded.

"Interesting..." Zane said out as he finished observing the blade, "What's it made of?" Nya asked, "It appears to be made out of red obsidian, though that isn't as intriguing, the edges seem to be covered in dragon bones, but they're not normal ones, it reminds me of the dragonbone blade that faith used, and the structure is very much a like it as well, while the handle is wrapped in dragon leather" Zane said, "Wait wait wait, so you're saying this blade is practically the same blade as Faith and is wrapped in dragon leather?" Jay asked, the ice ninja nods in response, "Then the sheath must be made out of the leather too, that explains a lot" Kai said as he handed Vinny back the sheath.

"Really? I didn't know that" Vinny said, "Well...if you didn't have it you would've been burnt?" Jay said out awkwardly making Vinny chuckle as he was handed the blade back, "Well...I think I've spent enough time out here" Vinny said as he stood up and put the blade in the sheath. "Yea...maybe you should go inside before you get burnt by a specific someone" Nya said obviously referencing Kai. "Hah it's fine really....I've had worse..." Vinny mumbled the last part as he went back inside.

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