Chapter 2

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Vinny gave Garmadon a small smile before plummeting his head back into the couch. "Vinny are you sure you're feeling alright?"Garmadon asked again this time his voice have a hint of worry.

"I told I'm fine like I already told you just another long day, I mean I have to walk around with that camera all day so I'm just tired"Vinny replied a little bit bothered. "You should eat"Garmadon said.

Vinny turned onto his back and let out a sigh,"I guess you're right"the smaller sat up and was about to get up when Garmadon pushed him back down."Stay, I'll bring it we can eat here"the larger said.Vinny was honestly surprised but wasn't bothered to say anything.

Garmadon came back with two bowls of noodles, he gave one to Vinny and sat down next to him. "Thanks Garm, I appreciate this..."the mortal chuckled. "It as you said try to do things that'll most likely be appreciated and liked"Garmadon replied.

The two continued eating and talking about their day,well at least Vinny, Garmadon doesn't usually go out of the apartment alone.

"Vinny, may I ask why you are in a different mood today?"Garmadon asked, he could tell Vinny was acting different from the tone he was talking in to the his face expressions. None of this was normal this wasn't a normal"I'm just tired",it was something else,something was bothering him and Garmadon wanted to find out. Vinny looked at Garmadon for a moment like he was goning to say something, probably "I'm fine ,just tired", but instead he looked away as if he knew Garmadon was going to keep asking, which he was. Garmadon moved closer to Vinny and hesitantly pulled him into a hug. This caused Vinnys' eyes to widen as he would've never expected to receive a hug from Garmadon. He looked app at the larger to see him with dark purple blush across his cheeks."I-Is he blushing because of this..."Vinny thought. The silence was awkward almost as if you could hear the crickets chirping. "Y-you can tell if anything's bothering you I'll listen and try my best to help......"Garmadon stuttered out in a small voice finally breaking the deafening silence.

Hearing his roommate, the Oni warlord, the lord of destruction, sound so small, fragile and genuinely worried about his well-being caused his face to light up with blush. He looked back up and Garmadon to see him looking the opposite direction. "G-Garm I know it seems like somethings wrong but it's not everything's fine, I'm fine"Vinny stuttered out as he sat up on Garmadons' lap. "But that's the thing!You're not fine, you're lying to me and I don't know why!"the larger instantly exclaimed cupping the smaller's face and not reacting to the change of seating. Vinny stared at the larger his eyes wide open. "D-do you really care that much about me...?"Vinny asked curiously and in an attempt to change the subject."Don't try changing the subject..."Garmadon growled before resting his head on Vinnys' shoulder.

"G-god dammit, why does he have to be so hot.." Vinny thought his face bright red. "Answer me..."Garmadon spoke. "F-fuck!a-alright, you win...I'll tell..."Vinny replied who could blame him, he breaks easily under pressure.

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