Chapter 4

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(This is before Dragons Rising and so is everything else)(after crystallisation but Garmadon didn't plant Christofern and kept him)

(Go check out 1-3 if you haven't)(so yea I decided to continue cause I'm invested Yea...enjoy!)

The very next morning Vinny woke up to the sound of knocking it took him a moment to process his surroundings but he quickly realised it was the door. He carefully slid out of Garmadons' grasp not wanting to wake him up and opened the door.

"Oh! Hey Lloyd"Vinny said surprisingly as he saw Lloyd standing there with Master Wu. "Hi...Vinny"Lloyd responded. "Here c'mon in you two just stay a little bit quiet Garmadon's sleeping" Vinny said as he welcomed the two into the apartment.

The two entered the apartment and saw Garmadon on the couch fast asleep. "So what can I do for you two?"Vinny asked in a quiet tone, even though Garmadon is a heavy sleeper there's no shame in taking extra precautions. Master Wu turned to Lloyd only to see him eyeing Christofern, Garmadons' plant.

Master Wu let out a sigh at his nephews' stubbornness before turning back to Vinny. "We're here, because we wanted my brothers' help, we need Lloyd to get better control of his oni form as he has been in a bit of a...mood I suppose...this has caused his to lash out a few times, and my brother has full control over his form" Wu said.

"I'm not in a mood..."Lloyd mumbled "and I have full control of myself!"he yelled, this didn't go quite well as his hands had this purplish smoke emitting from it, proving the whole point.

Vinny let out a soft chuckle before turning his attention over to Garmadon who was still sleeping, but now clinging onto Vinnys' arm. "Well I guess he could teach you, but didn't the last time he tried teaching Lloyd how to control go horrible and didn't even work?" Vinny questioned.

"That's because he didn't teach me properly, and how do you even know?" Lloyd replied his voice clearly annoyed, while Wu was staring at how calm Vinny was to being held by his brother. "Well after the defeat of the Overlord, he told me everything that happened" Vinny replied

"That is quite fascinating that he would tell you everything" Wu responded he was extremely interested in hearing the relationship between the two. "Well I guess since he came here we've grown closer" Vinny replied he was hiding blush on his face from the events of yesterday it was true though they really did grow closer.

"What do you think of him...?"Lloyd fully on asked with no context at all causing both Master Wu and Vinny to look at him. "W-what do you mean?"Vinny questioned. Lloyd was sitting there his arms crossed, wanting an answer.

"I wanna know what you think of my father" Lloyd repeated. Vinnys' face turned bright red. "I-I uh..well umm.."Vinny didn't know what to say he was a stuttering mess. "I want an answer" Lloyd said he was getting impatient. Master Wu could easily stop this but he was quite interested in knowing how Vinny thought about his brother.

Vinny was going to say something when Garmadon woke up and yawned. "Oh thank the FSM..."Vinny mumbled. Garmadon turned his attention from Vinny to his brother and son, it took him a minute to process things until he said, "Why the fuck are they here..?"

"Well Lloyd's apparently losing control of his oni form and he needs your help to control it."Vinny replied looking at Garmadon. Lloyd wasn't looking at his father but the opposite direction, "I don't need his help, I don't have a choice it's either that or possibly turn evil" Lloyd said started to lose his temper a bit.

Master Wu really wasn't going to let Lloyd go about his life when he doesn't have much control. "Brother I understand that last time you attempted to teach Lloyd how to control his oni form didn't go as planned, but be as it may Lloyd may become corrupted if he doesn't learn how to control it..."Wu said.

Garmadon stares at Vinny before letting out a sigh, "Very well I shall help....on one condition though"Garmadon replied. "Whatever your condition is it is accepted as we need Lloyd to control" Wu said.

"Vinny may come and stay with us that is my only condition" Garmadon replied. Vinny turned red hearing this then covered his face he was embarrassed that the only condition was for Vinny to stay with him. "Very well brother" Wu agreed, he was definitely going to allow this as he has seen the relationship between the two, on the other hand Lloyd was confused.

(ayyy hope you enjoyed this part)(Nah bro Wu knows what's up)

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