Chapter 15

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Zane can still eat human food it's like the beginning of the series he still ate and i just kept it the same but it isnt needed)

Vinny grabbed his shirt and put it on, "Well looks like I need to wear my jacket" Vinny said staring at the hickeys that wear peeking from his shoulders, "Sorry.." Garmadon said out with a hint of guilt in his voice earning a soft kiss on his forehead and a quick affirmation from his lover. "Wanna go see if anyone's awake?' Vinny asked receiving a nod from Garmadon. The two got up before Garmadon gave Christofern a splash of water and the going out.

"Who do you think is up?" Vinny asked staring at his lover with a curious look plastered onto his face. "Mhm...probably my brother and the ice ninja" Garmadon replied, "Yea I agree, but I also think that Lloyd may be up" the smaller added, "I don't think he'll be up yet" The larger replied earning a smug smirk from Vinny, "Well if I get it right I get to kiss you" Vinny said smugly, Garmadon blushed before staring at him, "Well I certainly wouldn't mind that" the oni replied confidently before grabbing Vinnys' wrists and pinned him against the wall . Vinny turned bright red, "Well I'd like to add one more thing to this deal between us" The larger whispered into his ear. "R-really what's t-that..?" Vinny stuttered out embarrassingly, "Winner gets to do what ever they want with the loser for a day~" Garmadon whispered out seductively . "O-ok!" the smaller responded quickly hoping that he would be the one winning this bet.

"Now let's go before someone comes and sees us" Garmadon said before letting go of Vinny and starting to walk. Once Vinny recovered from the embarrassment of being pinned to the wall he quickly caught up with Garmadon. They both walked and eventually saw Wu drinking tea and Zane making breakfast probably for everyone. "Morning brother" Wu said before Garmadon done the same. The larger stared at Vinny with a smirk on his face. He lost the bet and he could only hope this went well. "I am making breakfast would you like it now or do you want to wait for the others" Zane asked as he flipped pancakes, "We can both wait just wanted to be out early" Vinny replied politely before sitting down with Garmadon.

"Did you both sleep well?" Wu asked earning a nod from Vinny but not Garmadon, "What about you brother?" Wu asked again, "Hmm? Yea I slept well" the oni responded. The four began talking about random things and eventually each ninja came one by one except Nya and Jay cause they share a bed so they come down at the same time. Lloyd was the last one to come to the kitchen and don't worry the kitchen is pretty big so they all fit. "Morning Lloyd!" Kai said out energetically, followed by the rest saying morning, "You're up later the usual sleep late?" Nya asked, Lloyd let out a soft chuckle, "I guess you could say something like that" the green ninja said before smiling at his father. "C'mon bud come take a seat" Kai said patting the chair next to him before drinking some coffee. Lloyd sat down next to kai who was sitting next to Cole. "Did ya at least sleep well?" Cole asked, "Haha yea honestly that was the best sleep i've had for a while" Lloyd replied he wasn't joking he just felt a lot better knowing that his father was happy.

Zane handed out plates of pancakes to everyone, "Oooo pancakes my favourite!" Jay said out excitedly earning a soft chuckle from Nya before starting to eat. The group began eating and talking about their plans for their day while cracking up jokes. Eventually one of the jokes made Garmadon laugh out loudly and honestly everyone stared at him surprisingly and their was this awkward silence. "Well, well, well I bet you guys didn't know the former oni warlord was capable of laughing like that!" Vinny joked sarcastically breaking the silence, relieving Garmadon of the stress and making everyone laugh, "Vinny you really did wonders to help him" Kai laughed, Kai didn't really like Garmadon but he didn't hate him he understood the feeling of being corrupted just the tournament of elements he was corrupted by the staff and almost ended up hurting Lloyd so he couldn't blame Garmadon he at least put effort on changing and honestly seemed like a pretty cool guy.

"Honestly Garmadon I would've never thought of all of us being at the same table ever since we found out Lloyd was the green ninja like forever ago" Cole chuckled with his mouth half full, "Don't talk with your mouth full you idiot" Kai said gently bonking his head, "Yea but honestly Cole has a point and I'm honestly happy we don't have to fight you again" Jay said out nervously. "Jay you sound like the most nervous wreck right now try to sound a little more confident" Nya chuckled out, "Nya is right your blood pressure increased meaning you are nervous" Zane added, "H-Hey! don't out me like that!" Jay said out embarrassingly before hiding his face. Wu and Lloyd let out a sigh at everyones' stupidity, "What they're trying to say is that we're really happy with the progress you have made since well you were brought back" Wu said. "Couldn't have said it better myself" Lloyd said.

To be honest Garmadon was a bit overwhelmed with the compliments and Vinny could tell, "Okay okay everyone, enough with the compliments Garm here seems a bit overwhelmed, he's never had so many compliments before" Vinny laughed and so did everyone the group continued eating and laughing.

They all finished and everyone had an hour before they started doing stuff so Vinny and Garmadon talked where it was all alone, "Don't think I forgot about our little deal~" Garmadon said out in a seductive voice before pushing Vinny up against the wall and kissing him, "You'll get the rest of the deal later~~" Garmadon added before kissing Vinny again and then they began making out.

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