Chapter 11

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After that little outburst at Misako, Garmadon just stormed off to his room went in, "Garm..?What's wrong..?"Vinny asked knowing something was off. There was no response instead Garmadon just stood there. Vinny placed his book to the side. "Sweetheart...come here..."Vinny said holding out his arms inviting Garmadon into a hug. The larger was hesitant but hugged his lover and hid his face in Vinnys' chest. "Do you wanna talk about it...?"Vinny asked which Garmadon mumbled no.

Vinny held Garmadons' hand which was repeated by the larger. "Did you get into a fight with someone...?"Vinny asked, the thought of what just happened stressed Garmadon out and he squeezed Vinny's' hand tightly. Since he isn't necessarily human his grip was much tighter. It hurt Vinny and it didn't help that it was the one that is burnt, Vinny thought his heart is pure he didn't say anything not wanting his lover to be upset even more. Vinny used his left hand to stoke Garmadons' sliver hair. "Was it Lloyd..?"He asked which Garmadon shook his head. "I won't ask you anymore questions I don't want to make you uncomfortable"Vinny added.

There was a knock at the door, it was Lloyd and Wu. The two had heard the whole argument between Garmadon and Misako, they both felt a sense of guilt. "May we come in?"Wu asked which Vinny nodded to. They both walked in and sat on the bed. Lloyd was staring at how Garmadon was holding onto Vinny he wanted to hate it but he couldn't he has seen how the two act and can help but think the two make a good couple. "Do you know what happened..?"Vinny asked, Wu nodded in response. Vinny gently lifted Garmadons' head, "Can they tell me what happened...?"He asked calmly if his lover didn't want him know then he wouldn't know no matter how curious he is. Garmadon nodded before nuzzling Vinnys' chest. "Ok so what happened?who the fuck made him upset?"Vinny asked his whole attitude changed from aww my poor sweetheart to I'm gonna fucking kill someone. Lloyd and Wu could really tell Vinny was serious. "Ok so what happened is..." (I'm not explaining that go read the other parts and find out)

After they finished explaining Vinny looked flustered at the fact Garmadon said those things about him and pissed off he looked like he was gonna go kill Misako. Garmadon was quiet he didn't want to think about it so he said nothing and continued to cling onto Vinny. "When I get my fucking hands on I'm gonna..."Vinny whispered looking away but clearly not quiet enough as all three of them heard him. Garmadon felt flustered at the thought of Vinny being protective of someone who could very much protect himself. "We understand you're angry but please try to avoid Misako I don't need anything else happening"Wu said.

Garmadon looked up at Vinny before gently kissing him and saying, "I love you.."then going back to snuggling him. Vinny turned this bright red and stared at Wu and Lloyd who were just as surprised as Vinny. "So I was right"Wu said causing Lloyd to turn to him. "What do you mean you were right?"He asked, "Did you not see their unusually close bond"Wu said, Lloyd was gonna say something else but said, "Fair enough". "Well you know now, the only person that knew about it was Nya, she walked in on me showering Garm in kisses"Vinny said. "I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone else"He added causing the two to nod in agreement. "I want to know everything, more so on the lines how the fuck did you confess"Lloyd said.

(ok I don't have anymore time sorry for any spelling mistakes I hope you enjoy this chapter is longer but I don't think it's that great I think I like the other chapter more)

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