Chapter 44

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After Vinny went inside he went to his room and decided to pack a bag with things he's going to need once he spends the whole day out doing jack shit and maybe just maybe relaxing, very low possibility. As he packed he looked back at the blade Rida gave him, "Dragonbone and leather...where would he get those...he didn't kill a dragon right..?" Vinny mumbled to himself as he took off the sheath. He looked down at his foot and sighed out, he was still sort of limping on it but it wasn't stabbed that badly by Enji.

There was a knock on the door and the cameraman instantly covered the blade and put it in his pocket. "Come in!" Vinny called out to whoever knocked. To the cameramans' surprise Garmadon came in. "O-Oh hey!" Vinny responded surprisingly not expecting to see him. "Lloyd told me how you have work again....I know you're lying and trying to avoiding me..." The oni said as he sat on the bed and avoided eye contact and Vinny did the same. " just need some space away from you and you do too we both need space to breathe...and not being cooped up in this room....I-I won't do anything else..." Vinny responded as he looked down to his hands.

"You're not just avoiding're avoiding everyone...Lloyd noticed how you pushed questions away..." The oni added, hearing this made Vinny tense, he didn't wan to involve anyone in this situation he was having and he didn't want to explain it to anyone, Wu was pretty freaked out over being told about Enji and how would he tell anyone about Rida, or how Enji stabbed him, he could barely trust himself with what he saw he was a sleep deprived guy with a black haired guy tormenting him and apparently the guy he takes orders from being a hundred times nicer. "I'll be fine..." Vinny responded as he stood up and slid the blade into his pocket.

"Please...get some rest at isn't a permanent solution..." Garmadon spoke out worriedly, Vinny knew the oni was right, he's always had a cup of coffee before going to work and after a while it would wear out and he would be miserable when he came back home. "I'll...think about it..." Vinny responded as he put on his jacket. Garmadon nodded before watching Vinny leave the room fidgeting with something in his pocket, and the oni had no idea that Vinny had that blade with him. "What am I going to do with you...?" Garmadon sighed out before laying on the bed his tail wrapping around his leg loosely, he decided to take some rest to get his mind off things. (I think I forgot to mention that he does have a tail earlier on)

Vinny walked out of the room quickly not wanting to talk to Garmadon any longer. He wanted to talk to him but didn't he wasn't ready for him to start asking questions and he definitely didn't want to be in the same room knowing very well he would out himself about something. As he walked Vinnys' stomach grumbled due to the fact he skipped breakfast, "Shit I'm hungry..." he mumbled, so he ended up going to the kitchen. Vinny looked around the kitchen and found some bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato some chicken strips in the fridge that he ended up air frying. He used a panini press to crisp it up. It was a pretty good sandwich and he put the the lettuce and tomato after it was cooked. (I HATE tomatoes in sandwiches)

He sat down on the table and began eating it while scrolling through his phone and it was cut into triangles, because that's the only normal way to cut it. As Vinny was eating somebody snatched the second slice from the plate. "Hey!" The cameraman hissed turning his attention to the culprit. "Nice sandwich!" Enji said as he tore off a piece of the sandwich and ate it. "Give me back my sandwich!" Vinny hissed angrily because ain't nobody messing with anyones' food!.

"Or what!" Enji teased wanting to know what Vinny would do. The cameraman attempted to grab the sandwich but failed and had his hand squeezed really, really tightly on top of that it was his hand that was burnt by Garmadon ages ago. "What kind of guy steals someones' sandwich!" Vinny said as he winced in pain. "Me~!" Enji replied before tearing off another piece and eating it. Vinny groaned, he hated it when Enji decided to be a pain in the ass. "Whatcha gonna do about it short fuse~?" The black haired menace teased again.

Without warning sucker punched Enji and slammed his head against the table. "Oww! You piece of shit!" The black haired menace groaned in pain as he felt his jaw and his head. "Give me back my sandwich!" the cameraman hissed . "Geez ok ok! Don't kill me!" Enji replied before handing Vinny his sandwich back. "Fuck! You punched me that hard over a sandwich" Enji groaned as he looked over to Vinny who was happily eating his sandwich not caring about Enji.

"Next time you're getting stabbed again~!" Enji laughed out manically before disappearing. Vinny acted like he didn't care but he did, he really did, he was scared of where he would be stabbed and how much it would hurt. But one thing was certain....Today Enji learnt to never steal Vinnys' sandwiches.....and neither should you......

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