Chapter 7

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in my au Nya is taller than Jay)

The two weren't honestly paying attention to what Wu said but Lloyd looked over to his friends and the all gave him thumbs up as motivation, this made Lloyd smile before turning back to his father. "You need let your anger out you need to have a strong negative feeling" Garmadon told his son which made Lloyd roll his eyes.

"Pay attention to your father Lloyd he's the only one that can teach you this"Wu said, which Lloyd replied, "Fine..." as he began thinking of things he hated. "Hurry up we haven't gotten forever"Garmadon said starting to get annoyed. "The hell you think I'm doing!"Lloyd replied angrily causing the two to start fighting.

"You think Lloyd will ever learn to control his oni form?"Nya asked, the others thought for a moment, "It is most likely that he will learn as one of his greatest fears is becoming evil as Garmadon was it would be illogical for him not to learn it"Zane replied they all nodded at Zane. "What do you think Vinny? You think he'll learn?" Cole asked. Vinny turned his attention from Lloyd and Garmadon to the ninja, "Yea I think he will it'll probably take a while but he'll learn eventually" Vinny responded Trying to ignore Lloyd who was yelling.

"Honestly teaching a cat is better than teaching you"Garmadon said staring at Lloyd who had many failed attempts, hearing this made the ninja and Vinny laugh. "Brother be easy on him, you can not expect him to learn easily"Wu said. Garmadon let out a sigh, "Well he clearly only achieved that form once and It was only for around 10seconds" Garmadon replied to his brother earning a sigh in return. "Vinny can't you make him calm down, friendlier or well more patient?" Kai asked causing the others to look at him curiously. "What I'm just saying, if he stayed with Vinny he must have become friends or something" the fire elemental added on explaining his point. "You have a point Kai" Jay said, "Yea maybe you can just tell to well um.. "You have to be more patient?"Cole added.

"Guys calm down he may be roommates with Garmadon but that doesn't mean he still isn't a little bit scared of him" Nya said to them trying to relieve stress off Vinny. "N-No it's fine Nya I can try.."Vinny replied, the others stared at him for a moment, "You do not have to do it if you feel pressured we understand" Zane spoke earning nods from the others. "It's fine really!"Vinny said before he went over to Garmadon. "I swear he better be alright or so help me i don't kill you three" Nya said as she stared at Kai, Cole and Jay.

Vinny was with Garmadon, "Can you give me a second to talk to him" Vinny asked Wu and Lloyd, which the both nodded. "What's wrong?Is something bothering you?"Garmadon asked a little worried something happened to Vinny. "What?no nothing's wrong...I'm just wondering if you could be a little more patient with Lloyd and friendlier"Vinny replied talking quietly so the others don't hear. "I-how friendly and patient are you talking about?"Garmadon responded in the same quiet voice. Vinny could feel everyones' eyes staring at him as he talked to Garmadon, but of course only the ninja except Lloyd knew what was happening, " know how I was with you maybe like that...but it's alright if you don't want to I don't wanna force anything but Lloyd isn't learning with you yelling at him and I doubt you would've learned if I yelled at you.."Vinny said. Garmadon stared at him his cheeks had purple blush on them, he eventually nodded he could say no to a face like that, "Thank you!" Vinny said happily. "I love you"Vinny whispered to Garmadon before he ran over back to the ninja, hearing this made his heart race and his blush obviously deepened. This also cause Wu to stare at his brother for a while

The ninja stares at Vinny with a hopeful look as he went over to them happily."What did he say?I bet he said yes you literally squealed thank you"Jay said in an ecstatic voice and obviously very quickly. Vinny nodded at Jay, before earning a hug from Kai, "Okay so everyone we have a Garmadon whisperer, like he didn't even yell or do shit to him" Kai continued. The others laughed except Zane, he was observing Garmadon as he scanned his and noticed his heart rate speed up and face have a tint of purple, Zane was going to remember to ask Vinny about it later.

Everyone turned their attention to Garmadon and Lloyd. The green ninja decided maybe he should exert his anger in the way he did before by movement. Lloyd started doing backflips and random ass moves but he tripped and fell. Garmadon was gonna yell but remembered what Vinny told him then held out his hand to assist his son. Lloyd obviously hesitated before grabbing his fathers' hand and standing back up, "Thank you...I guess.."Lloyd said out surprisingly. "Damn Vinny you really managed to convince Garmadon were you gonna do something for him?"Cole asked he was just as surprised as when everyone found out Lloyd was the green ninja. "No I didn't offer anything I guess he just listens to me.."Vinny replied which cause Kai to continue calling him 'the Garmadon whisperer"Think of the worst thing happening to something or someone you love" Garmadon told his son. Lloyd tried he thought about his family and friends dying but nothing worked. "Try thinking about what could've happened if I never decided to change I would've gone back to my old ways and probably do worse things to Ninjago"Garmadon said in an attempt to aggravate Lloyd this worked slightly as he had the purple smoke come of of his hands.

Lloyd began thinking of all the terrible things that could've happened and eventually began getting extremely close to his form. "Good keep thinking of whatever you're thinking about, think about becoming how I was if you don't learn to control your oni side" Garmadon said, the thought of ever becoming like his father sent him off edge and he eventually transformed. "Good, stay like that to control it you need not let the evil side that over you have to focus on who you are"Garmadon said ,Lloyd listened he had to there was no going back at this point it was now or never, he carefully thought about using his form for good and justice not to harm anyone but to protect it took awhile of these thoughts but they eventually managed to do it. Lloyd managed to transform into his oni form on will but not control he couldn't control the strength which will probably take longer.

Jay, Kai and Vinny fell asleep, who could blame them it's been 3 hours and they were exhausted. Lloyd went over to his friends and was pulled into a hug, Garmadon and Wu following behind, "You can show them that tomorrow, but holy shit that was cool"Cole said squeezing Lloyd in the hug. "Yea but honestly I'm exhausted and how do we get them up?" Lloyd said pointing to the three sleeping. "I'll carry Jay, Cole can carry a Kai and well since Garmadon shares a room with Vinny Garmadon can take him" Nya said, which everyone agreed to. "That was impressive Lloyd when we first began I estimated it would have taken 3months for you to transform on will"Zane said which Lloyd stared at thankful he managed to fit it in into 3hours. "Haha imagine Lloyd managed to fit 3months in 3hours wow"Cole chuckles out with Kai in his arms. "I do believe the only reason it was cut down was because Vinny managed to convince Garmadon to be more patient" Zane said pointing towards Garmadon. "Wow so that's why you changed? Kinda interesting you listen to him but not your brother" Lloyd said staring at his father. "I've never listened to my brother" Garmadon replied staring at Wu. "Yes you make that very clear brother, now maybe you should take Vinny up to your room it would be a shame to keep him sleeping there it must be rather uncomfortable"Wu replied out hearing this made Garmadon quickly react then carefully pick him up and hold him bridal style. "Zane take him up will you?" Wu said which Zane nodded to.

They both went up in the elevator and stood there. Garmadon stared at Vinny who was sleeping peacefully in his arms before smiling slightly and blushing."Your heart rate increased when you looked at Vinny and before when he was talking to you your heart rate increased as well a common thing associated with heart rate increase is love, do you feel a connection with him?"Zane said. Garmadon stared at him and didn't respond he blushed quite a lot hearing this, "it's alright I will not tell anyone I am just curious I noticed when we were eating you were stressed but he grabbed your hand and you calmed down" Zane added the elevator reached the top, "So what if I do like him said you better not tell anyone" Garmadon said as he walked away receiving a nod from Zane.

Garmadon reached their room and gently placed Vinny on the bed before watering Christofern and the laying on the bed, "Holy shit..he wasn't kidding this bed is soft..."Garmadon thought but his thought was cut off to Vinny grabbing onto him and snuggling him, he smiled before he fell asleep.

(I was supposed to release this earlier but couldn't so sorry but hope you enjoy it's a pretty long chapter)

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