Chapter 16

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( yea Vinny is a virgin)


Garmadon kissed Vinny deeply keeping him pinned up against the wall he heard soft little whimpers from Vinny, he was honestly just extremely confident at the moment and didn't think much of what he was doing. Garmadon slid his tongue into Vinnys' mouth and causing the smaller to try and fight for dominance but his attempt was futile due to how submissive he was. Garmadon parted from the kiss multiple times giving Vinny some time to breathe. The larger grabbed the smaller before picking him up and wrapping his legs around his waist.

The oni parted from the kiss, "Your so fucking cute when you're like this~" Garmadon whispered into his lovers' ear in this dominant way earning a submissive whimper from the smaller. "G-Garm...we can't d-do this here...someone might s-see..." Vinny embarrassingly stuttered out looking away nervously. Garmadon didn't reply instead he began biting on the smallers' neck, Vinny was already covered in hickeys from the events prior. 'F-fuck..." Vinny quietly moaned out before covering his mouth with his hands, he trusted Garmadon enough not to drop him. Noticing this Garmadon grabbed Vinnys' hands and removed them from his mouth before lifting them above his head, "I want to hear your pretty little sounds~" The larger said in a more dominant voice and wrapping his lovers' hands around his neck.

Vinny obviously having no control of the situation obeyed it's not like he was complaining about this it was just that they were in a hallway and anyone could come and see them if he was at home with no one but the two of them he wouldn't be trying to stop this. Garmadon pressed his knee against his lovers' crotch earning a soft moan from him before he held onto Garmadon tightly hiding his face in the largers' shoulder. The larger smirked seeing this before letting go of the smaller and gently making him stand up again. "Well we can finish this later after all you wouldn't want to be caught, would you~?" Garmadon said out before licking his lips, winking at the smaller and walking away with a smirk on this face, "I...-" Vinny was speechless and completely embarrassed he couldn't believe it Garmadon did that to tease him. He covered his face embarrassingly and just stood there.


Lloyd and Nya walked into the hall and saw Vinny standing there his face was covered, "Hey umm, Vinny? You alright there?" Lloyd stuttered out curiously before the two walked over to him. Vinny stared up at them and the two both let out a choked laugh seeing how bright red he was, "W-whoa, what the hell happened to you? your face is as red as my brothers' gi" Nya said holding back a laugh while Lloyd was looking away laughing out loudly. "Lloyd I am generally about to kill your father" Vinny said out his face still bright red. Lloyd looked up at him before staring at Nya, "Oh and speaking ab out my father, I feel so betrayed that you didn't tell me that he was dating Vinny" Lloyd said out dramatically.

"Oh you know about that now, sorry" Nya chuckled out, "Anyway what did Garmadon do to you that made you look like a cherry" she added, Vinny blushed harder and covered his face. Lloyd observed Vinny before his eyes noticed bite marks on Vinnys' neck his eyes widened, " Did my dad give you hickeys!?" Lloyd shouted out surprisingly. Hearing that Nya laughed out and Vinny covered his face, "N-not so loud!" Vinny replied embarrassingly. Lloyd stood there not knowing whether to feel traumatised happy or scared. "Well well well looks like someone has been getting busy", Nya chuckled out. "

The two began teasing Vinny about this for a while. Unaware that Garmadon was hiding behind a wall smirking to himself, " This is going to be quite some fun today~" Garmadon thought to himself.

(OOOOOOO so yess there will be some smut but please excuse my shit writing of them i promise there not that bad and honestly the amount of times Vinny covered his face in this chapter is a bit tooooooo much but i hope you enjoy)

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