Chapter 38

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"There is nothing wrong with me at all! No one or thing is causing me to act like this!" Vinny responded as tears welled in his eyes. "Then what is?! You're the one that told me to open up about things, why don't you do it!?" The oni responded desperate for an answer.

"Not everyone opens up as easy as that not everyone really has a problem this is just how they are sometimes!" Vinny exclaimed, "Just because I don't tell you every single detail in my life doesn't mean anything has happened!" he added, Garmadon tensed up hearing that.

"I'm just worried about you, you were in the bathroom for a whole hour doing who knows what! Can you really blame me for worrying and thinking that you done this to yourself!" The oni yelled back. "I don't want hi-" Vinny was going to mention something Enji said but instantly stopped himself. "What are you so afraid of, why won't you tell me?!" Garmadon responded out.

"Stop with the questions...." Vinny said knowing very well if he said anything else he was gonna out himself about Enji. "Why should I?! I'm just worried for you and your health! Tell me, is this my fault!? Did I make you do this to yourself?!" The oni yelled out still presuming Vinny hurt himself.

"Maybe you did!" Vinny shouted out in reply, he had tears streaming down his face, the cameraman realised what he said and instantly covered his mouth with his hand. Garmadon tensed hearing that, "Oh great here I am back at square fucking one! So tell me how long have I made you feel so fucking miserable!?" The oni yelled out holding back tears at that point. "G-Garm that's n-not what I-"Vinny was cut off by Garmadon, "Well clearly I have some part to partake in your misery!" The oni replied.

"You're acting like I don't want to tell you! You're the first person I wanted to tell, but I can't because he'll hurt you!" Vinny angrily responded, he didn't think about what he said he just said it unaware he may have outed himself of a certain dickheads' existence aka Enji. "What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" Garmadon responded as his voice quieted down and became more worrying.

"No one, just drop it" Vinny instantly replied realising he may have outed himself. "Is someone hurting you?! Are they threatening you?!" The oni asked again, causing the cameraman to tense up, "That's not what I meant...." Vinny responded as he began thinking of a lie. "Yes it is! You clearly are hiding more than that from me because someone wants to hurt me!" Garmadon said.

"Maybe I am keeping secrets! But it has nothing to do with you other than you being threatened!" Vinny shouted angrily, he wasn't in a mood today running on 2 hours of sleep and having a dickhead torment him aka Enji was hell. "Who is even doing this to you!? You were perfectly fine before we came here!" The oni replied.

"I don't know! This guy comes ou-" Vinny was going to say something but he looked at Garmadon, Enji was standing behind him with a finger on his lips. The cameraman instantly shut up, "I...I just need some space..." Vinny said as he looked away, was Enji just everywhere was here there all the time and he didn't know. Garmadon looked like he was going to say something, but stopped himself and paused for a moment. "Fine....if you start getting any worse, don't expect me to to me when you're ready....I'm sure my brother can get me another room if you wnat to be alone so badly...." Garmadon simply replied.

"W-Wait what? T-that's not w-what I-" Vinny looked back to where Garmadon was standing and didn't see him there he just left and closed the door. The cameraman tensed, "Way to fucking go! Here I am pushing away the only fucking sense of sanity!" Vinny exclaimed out before laughing out hysterically. "I'm so fucking dumb!" He added as he rested his head on the wall.

"Looking a little rough there buddy~!" Enji called out as he emerged from the dresser mirror.

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