Chapter 18

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Garmadon quietly went after Vinny and followed him to where he went and hanged with Nya. Honestly they got along with Nya the most next would be Lloyd, Zane, Wu, Kai, Col and Jay. They were all really kind the only one that has caused them problems was Misako. "Hey Nya!" Vinny said out happily, "You seem much more tame then before" She replied as she stretched out. "Yep! Got my revenge" Vinny said before sitting down next to her.

"What did you do?" She asked curiously, Vinny obviously explained unaware that Garmadon was watching, "No way, that is genuinely so funny" She laughed out, "But don't you think that's gonna mess with him more" She added, Vinny nodded, "He sorta wants to mess with me for the whole day, buuuuut I'll mess with him more" Vinny replied.

The two began talking till Garmadon came in, "Hey, Garmadon~" Vinny said in a teasing tone, Nya just waved at him. The oni let out a sigh before walking towards Vinny grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. "H-Hey! Put me down!" Vinny whined while Nya was laughing, "If you're going to try and tell people I fucked you might as well make that a reality..." Garmdon said out his voice was low and he began walking away with Vinny, Nya was sitting there with a nosebleed giving Vinny a thumbs up. "Have fun you two!" She shouted holding back laughter as Garmadon left.

Vinny covered his face with his hands as the larger took them to their room to well....fuck...... On the way they saw Cole and Kai, The two stared at them surprisingly before laughing they had no idea what was going on between the two. Finally Garmadon opened the door to their room and dropped Vinny on the bed before locking the door. Vinny was really embarrassed, "I-I umm Garm...?" Vinny stuttered out nervously when there was an awkward silence between the two. There was no answer instead Garmadon took off his shirt and went on top of Vinny.


Vinny was shy he's never had sex before and c'mon if this was going where he thought it was going he was about to get completely fucked by the former oni warlord and practically the son of a god. The larger lifted Vinnys' legs over his shoulder before kissing, not knowing what to do the smaller submitted and he began getting kissed intensely. Vinny let out a small whimper as Garmadon rubbed his knee against the smallers' crotch. The smaller squirmed around a lot.

Garmadon pulled away and let out a sigh, " You okay with this..?" He asked the smaller nervously he didn't want to do this without Vinnys' consent because consent is sexy. "Y-yea.." Vinny stuttered out nervously. The larger took the smallers' jacket and shirt off. Garmadon began trailing kisses across Vinnys' body until he got to his crotch. He then gently zipped down the fly seeing a small bulge through his boxers. The larger smirked and gently kissed it earning a soft moan. To tease the smaller more he began pressing on the bulge. "G-Garm...stop t-that..." Vinny whimpered out submissively. "You're in no place to be telling me what to do~" Garmadon whispered into his ear receiving an embarrassed apology.

"You're so pretty like this~" Garmadon whispered before pulling down his lovers boxers. His semi hard cock sprung out, (I'm regretting writing this) Garmadon let out a seductive chuckle before gently placing a kiss on it, Vinny covered his mouth with his hands, sure the room was sound proof but he just did this as a reaction thing it calmed him down. The larger began gently licking his cock and felt it twitch as it continued to get hard (Really regretting) Vinny moaned and whimpered out as Garmadon took him into his mouth and began sucking him off. The larger hasn't had much sexual action with someone since well Misako and they had Lloyd so he was just improvising.

The larger continued to suck off the smaller, "A-ahh..~! C-Careful..." Vinny whimpered out he was struggling to form full sentences. Garmadon continued to repeat his actions before realising the smaller was close and lifting up, "W-What was that f-for..?" Vinny whined out, "Uh Uh uh~ Not just yet~" Garmadon replied in a low voice before beginning to take off his pants. Vinny squirmed around really nervously he had deprived himself from pleasure for a while and barely did it mainly because he was tired all the time and he was nervous what would happen if Garmadon saw. Vinny was snapped out of his thoughts when he looked at the oni who had stripped the rest of his clothing, Vinnys' face turned way more red and his eyes widened as he saw his lovers' size, "You alright there, you're staring~" Garmadon asked with a smirk on his face before getting back on Vinny. "M-me? Yea I-I'm fine!" Vinny said out shyly before while looking the other way.

The larger smirked, "You can tell me what's wrong~" Garmadon whispered into his ear earning a soft little whimper. The truth is Garmadon had no idea Vinny was a virgin and imagine losing your virginity to an oni warlord and especially that size (10inch btw) Vinny looked stared up at him embarrassingly, "W-well I've never d-done this before at a-all..." The smaller said out quietly, The larger looked a bit surprised hearing that then cupped Vinnys' cheeks, "Don't you worry, I'll take care of you~" The oni said trying to make sure his lover wasn't uncomfortable.

Garmadon thought for a minute before looking at Vinny, "I'm gonna prep you first" he told the smaller receiving a shy nod in agreement, "P-Please be g-gentle..." Vinny said out softly as Garmadon flipped him over causing Vinny to yelp out, "This might hurt..." the larger said, the smaller was about to say something before being cut off by a finger being pushed into him. Vinny hissed in pain causing Garmadon to apologise. The larger began thrusting his finger in and out of the smaller, before pushing in another finger when he thought Vinny could handle it, "A-ah~ C-careful..." Vinny whimpered out as he held onto the bed sheets tightly.

Garmadon began scissoring his finger inside Vinny earning a bit of a louder moan, the smaller was so overwhelmed by this the only thing Garmadon could think about is how overwhelmed he'll be he's actually inside. Adding another finger Vinny started to squirm around, "Stay still it's gonna hurt more like this..." Garmadon said not wanting to hurt the smaller one thing was that the onis' hands were was bigger than Vinnys' and that he had claws which is why he was being really gentle. The smaller hid his face in the bed sheet muffling his moans as Garmadon continued to stretch him out. Garmadon took it a step further by beginning to jerk off Vinny to mess with him more. Vinny was extremely overstimulated and his legs were shaking slightly, but after a while the larger was satisfied with the result and took his fingers out of the smaller there was a muffled whine which made Garmadon chuckle before he put his cock against the smallers' entrance.

Vinny still had his face slammed into the pillow, but it was pretty obvious that he was freaking out. "I'm gonna put it in and give you time to a just" Garmadon said as he grabbed the smallers' hips.


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