Chapter 28

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Vinny stayed sitting up in bed trying to figure out who or what those people were. "How would they get in here...why are they after me?....Why'd I stab them...they just pulled it out...why did they want me to stab them...?" the cameraman thought and began coming up with ideas but none too crazy.

Eventually around 30minutes went by, "Vinny? How long Have you been awake?" Garmadon asked as he stretched and looked at Vinny. "O-oh umm...half and hour" the cameraman said as he looked at his phone. "You have? Did you need something?" The oni asked curiously as he sat up and pulled Vinny into a hug nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "And your voice sounds a little strained as if you were yelling" the oni added. The cameraman tensed, he completely forgot about how he was yelling at the reflection.

"Hmm? No....just couldn't sleep and my voice probably took a while to set in" Vinny responded as he hugged his lover back stroking his hand through his hair. "You were tired before, something bothering you?" Garmadon asked, Vinny shook his head as he tried to make it look believable there was no way he wad going to tell him what happened with that weird figure outside in the hallway and the weird reflection. "Promise..?" Garmadon asked, wanting to believe what Vinny said.

"Promise" Vinny responded in his normal sweet tone, "I'm not that tired anymore......I need to talk to your brother..." The cameraman added bluntly, earning a confused look from Garmadon, "Why?" the oni asked curiously as he looked at Vinny. "I...just do" he responded quickly, he wasn't going to abbreviate on this at all. "Are you sure you can even walk, or move properly?" Garmadon asked earning a nod from Vinny.

"I suppose you can go see him now....but I'm going to wait for you" Garmadon said out in defeat, he really didn't want to upset Vinny. "Alright then" the cameraman said as he stood up wobbling slightly. The oni stood up too and helped his lover balance. Vinny smiled at him before beginning to walk and Garmadon following behind as he gave Christofern a spray of water.

Nya was with Jay and Lloyd and saw the two together going somewhere. "Give me a minute Jay" She said to the lightning ninja before going over to Garmadon with the green ninja. "Now shouldn't he be in bed resting?" Nya asked curiously, the oni nodded, "Yes....but he wished to see my brother and talk to him about something" Garmadon responded as he looked at Vinny who continued walking unaware of his surroundings. "He did?" Lloyd asked as he stared at his father. "It seemed quite urgent" The oni added.

"Okay?" Nya said confusingly before going back over to with Lloyd Jay as Garmadon caught up with Vinny. "Vinny...are you alright? You seem a little more tense?" The oni asked worriedly as he followed Vinny, "I'm fine..." The cameraman responded as he itched his hand nervously, "Is something wrong with your hand?" Garmadon asked as he noticed the itching immediately, Vinny looked at his hand and an idea popped in his head, "Oh yea, it's just really itchy and I kinda want to see if he has anything for it" Vinny lied wanting the oni to stop asking questions.

The lie worked and Garmadon nodded before grabbing Vinnys' hand and kissing it softly. The cameraman lit up with blush as looked away embarrassingly before continuing to walk which made Garmadon chuckle. Eventually the two made it to where Wu was which was the library he was organising scrolls. "Garmadon...sweetheart can you wait here please?" Vinny asked, the oni was a bit sceptical but respected Vinnys' wishes and nodded receiving a kiss on the forehead from the cameraman.

Vinny knocked on the door, "Come in" Wu said from inside, Vinny looked back at Garmadon and smiled softly before going in. Wu looked happy and surprised to see his brothers' lover here. "Ah Vinny, what brings you here?" Wu asked as the cameraman went closer, "I-I umm I need to tell you something..." Vinny said, Wu could tell something was up, the cameraman wasn't in a bright or happy mood, Wu signalled for Vinny to sit down on the floor as he wasn't sure what could be wrong.

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