Chapter 17

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Vinny walked away from Nya and Lloyd after saying goodbye he would've talked to them a little longer but he was extremely embarrassed at what Garmadon did to him. Vinny went to his room and stared at a mirror. HIs face was bright, bright red and he could see some hickeys peeking out from under his jacket and caressed his hand over them they were pretty noticeable and some were deep bite marks. Vinny didn't really mind the marks they only stung a little. "I should try washing it..." Vinny told himself. He went to the bathroom, took off his jacket before turning on the sink and beginning to gently use a wet cloth to wash the marks. He continued doing this for awhile.

(With Garmadon) After the little situation with Vinny Garmadon began walking around and had the bright idea to go and see his brother which he did. "Hello brother" the oni said to his brother causing Wu to slightly jump at the unexpected visit. They were in the library which had a ton of scrolls. "O-Oh hello brother" Wu replied surprisingly before clearing his throat and calming himself. "Anything I can do for you due to your visit?" Wu added, Garmadon shook his head in response before looking at the scrolls his brother was reading. "Any particular scrolls you're looking at?" the oni asked curiously. "Non in particular just taking a look at some new scrolls" Wu responded, "Ah and yes about last night, you brought Lloyd in did anything happen?" Wu added, Garmadon stared at him, " No, we just talked about...things..." he replied.

"You seemed much more calm this morning than yesterday I take it that you're settling in well?" Wu said before rolling up some scrolls and fixing his hat. "I suppose I am, better than expected" Garmadon replied earning a smile from his brother, "Vinny seemed a little bit red in the face when you two came, is everything alright?" Wu asked curiously Garmadon stared at his brother and blushed slightly, "Yea he's fine just had...something happen..." Garmadon replied not knowing what to say. Wu stared at his brother not knowing what that meant and brushed it off. The two began talking about random shit.

(With Vinny) He finished cleaning himself off and decided to walk around, eventually he stumbled upon the library where Garmadon was with his brother. Vinny thought for a moment curious as what he should do, but he ended up with an idea. "Hey Garm" Vinny said as he walked in the room and walked over to Garmadon, "Ah hello Vinny everything alright" Wu asked after his brother greeted Vinny. "Oh yea, everything's amazing, but there is something I need to ask" Vinny replied causing the two to stare at him curiously. "For the bedrooms, are the walls sound proof?" Vinny asked, earning a confused look from Garmadon. "Uh? Yes they are, why do you ask?" Wu replied confused as to the question, "I agree why do you need to know that?" Garmadon added.

"I thought you out of all people would know why Garm, but...after this morning I just want to make sure no one would've heard us and especially with how rough you are" Vinny said smugly, Garmadon turned bright purple with his blush and his brother was staring at him wondering what the fuck he's talking about. "I-I don't know what you're talking about" Garmadon said out embarrassingly. "Oh you don't? Well I guess this will probably remind you" Vinny smirked before showing his neck which was covered in hickeys. Garmadon looked away embarrassingly before grabbing Vinnys' hand and dragging him out. "Something wrong?" Vinny said out innocently before cupping Garmadons' cheeks. The larger blushed at his actions and said "Y-you know very well what I'm talking about"

"Do I though?" Vinny said before moving closer towards Garmadon. The larger stared at Vinny before looking away. "You thought you could tease me like that and get away, didn't you?" Vinny said out in a singsong voice. Vinny kissed him and pulled away. "Well I suppose i should be going now I have something to talk to Nya about" Vinny said before walking away. Garmadon stood there, "Fine...he wants to play like that I can play like that too..." The oni thought before slowly following Vinny.

Garmadon completely forgot about his brother who was still in the library wondering what the fuck just happened and wondering if his brother actually fucked Vinny.

(i swear this ending is just like the previous chapter but i hope you enjoy might be a sex scene in the next chapter)

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