Chapter 39

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Enji exited the mirror because that has become a signature move for him. "W-what do you want...?" Vinny stuttered out as he rubbed tears from his eyes. "I...I didn't tell him.." He added as he stood up. " almost did~! But no worries, you're practically destroying yourself~!' Enji responded as he sat on the dresser. The cameraman heard that and tensed he was going to say something then stopped, he knew that black haired menace had a point.

Enji smirked realising Vinny knew he was right, "You know it's true too~!" He chuckled out before pulling out the blade from last night. The cameraman tensed seeing the blade and backed away. "Geez I'm not gonna hurt you wasn't supposed to yesterday and I don't want to be scolded at" Enji said noticing how tense Vinny was. "Y-you weren't supposed to? W-who even is telling you what to do? I mean I know it's probably that cape guy but what is his name?!" The cameraman asked.

"Honestly I think I should tell you~! His name is Rida~! Tall guy really shady, dark grey hair scars on his face" Enji responded as he began describing this guy. "Rida...? W-wait why are you t-telling me this so easily?!" Vinny asked thinking there was some catch or problem to this. The black haired menace smirked, "Like I're destroying yourself, you're not telling anyone about me, and this is all so much fun~!" Enji laughed out menacingly as he twirled the blade around.

"'re way to valuable to just kill and Rida is sorta allowing me to mess with you~!" Enji added as he stood up, Vinny looked at him before sighing and laying on the bed, he wasn't in the mood for his bullshit today. "Geez what's up with you? You're so miserable today! That's no fun!" Enji whined out as he looked down at Vinny. "You know what's wrong with me dickhead!" Vinny responded as he held up the middle finger.

"Oh right, I do! You're running on 2 hours of sleep, was tormented last night and got into a fight with your fucking boyfriend~!" the black haired menace laughed out, "Fucking pathetic~!" He added as he rubbed a tear from his eye from laughing so much. "And you have such an attitude today~" he added as he sat on the bed. "C'mon! You're no fun to be around when you're tired~!" He whined out when he heard Vinny groan in annoyance.

"You're no fun to be around at all..." The cameraman responded. Enji mumbled something before grabbing Vinny and throwing him off the bed. "The fuck was that for!?" The cameraman hissed in annoyance, The black haired menace held the blade tightly and used his foot to push Vinny back down when he tried to get up. "If you're gonna be a moody bitch today...I think I'll find it better if you're screaming in pain instead~" Enji hissed as he pushed his foot harder against Vinnys' chest.

Vinny tensed and tried pushing Enjis' foot off him but failed miserably only making Enji pushed down harder to the point it hurt and began tracing the blade against Vinnys' neck. "Maybe I should shut you up..." The black haired menace whispered as he pressed the blade softly against the cameramans' neck. Vinny tensed and flinched slightly, this only empowered Enji to continue and pressed the knife harder against his neck. Vinny winced in pain and just as Enji was going to press the knife harder, " Enji..." A voice said, which instantly caused the black haired menace to stop and move away from Vinny.

"Heyyyy Rida...didn't know you were coming here!" Enji awkwardly said as he snapped the blade out of existence. Vinny looked at the figure apparently Rida, he had a distorted voice and looked towards Vinny, wearing the 'bird' mask which its eyes flashed orange.

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