Chapter 14

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Surprisingly Vinny was the first one to wake up and he was surprised he usually wasn't the first one to wake up but it was usually Garmadon he got up and stretched before kissing his lovers forehead. "I should have a shower..." he thought to himself. Vinny went into the bathroom and turned on the water. It was a warm and comforting shower. ( i ain't describing another shower scene i've already described one today in a new book i made go check it out its lego monkie kid and it's Red Son x Mk)

Once Vinny finished he shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist before going into his room, "I'm sure I can change he won't wake up" Vinny thought to himself. Before starting to get dressed. "Mhmm..??Vinny?"Garmadon said out tiredly unaware of his lover who was naked. He stared at Vinny and the two made eye contact, "OH SHIT! Sorry sorry sorry!" Garmadon instantly said before shoving his face into a pillow. The oni was bright purple while Vinny was bright red and he quickly put his boxers and pants on. "G-Garm you can look now I'm wearing pants now" Vinny said out awkwardly.

Garmadon lifted his head from the pillow before looking at Vinny, he was still bright purple who could blame him he just saw his boyfriend naked. "S-sorry..."Garmadon stuttered out, "N-no it's my fault I shouldn't have gotten dressed in here" Vinny replied before moving closer towards his lover. "Garm? Is something wrong you seem a little purple there" Vinny asked before cupping his lovers face. "Mhm y-yea I just didn't expect you to have such a build" Garmadon replied causing Vinny to blush before he smiled at his lover before moving closer to him and kissing him.

(spoicy sceneeee) Garmadon kissed back before bringing Vinny in closer and deepening the kiss, the oni leaned back and pulled Vinny onto his lap and continued to kiss each other Vinny let out small little whimpers and he was still shirtless which Garmadon began caressing his muscles. The larger slid his one of his hands to the smallers' hair before tugging back on it gently earning a soft little gentle moan also causing him to open his mouth which gave Garmadon the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth and began fighting for dominance it was pretty sure who would remain dominant and Garmadon pulled away and smirked, "You taste delicious my love~" the oni said out in a seductive way. Hearing this made Vinny look away embarrassingly but his cheeks were grabbed and he was the pinned onto the bed. "Keep your eyes on me~" He told Vinny, Garmadon began kissing down his lovers neck leaving hickeys all over and deep bite marks, "G-Garm~ A-ah~ Gentler..~" Vinny moaned out which the larger obviously listened to not wanting to hurt the smaller. "You look so beautiful like this~" The larger said earning a soft pant from the smaller. (End of za soicy scene)

Garmadon sat up, "You okay?" He asked the smaller, Vinny stared at him, "Yea totally ask if I wasn't just covered in hickeys by my boyfriend who was formerly Ninjagos' greatest villain" Vinny said out in a sarcastic tone before sitting up. Garmadon let out a joyed laugh he probably would've never understood sarcastic jokes before but now he did. Vinny stared at him with a happy smile on his face, "You should laugh more" the smaller told his lover before gently bringing his hand to his cheek making him look at him. Garmadon blushed before looking away embarrassingly and rested his hands on top of Vinnys' hand, "I should?" The oni asked, "Yea you should don't be afraid to show your emotions sweetheart you deserve to show your feelings and emotions you also look beautiful when you laugh or smile" Vinny replied to his lover causing him to turn a brighter purple, "Thank you...I love you so much..."Garmadon said happily. "I love you too my sweet little lion" Vinny added before pressing theirs heads together.

(well this chapter was a roller coast we went from getting dressed to making out to having a happy meaningful talk sesh hope you guys enjoy i think i might add a bit more smut into my chapter maybe they'll even have sex who knows)

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