Chapter 33

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The while later, "Holy shit I'm tired" Vinny said as he stretched out, Cole was going to say something but yawned instead, "Fair enough, I'm gonna sleep to" Kai said out, Vinny looked at Kai and smirked, "Let me guess, Cole's gonna come and sleep with you~?" Vinny teased making the two ninja turn bright red, "W-what!? N-no!" Kai said out embarrassingly as Cole covered his face. Garmadon didn't know what to say so kept quiet he didn't enjoy talking around others.

"Well then see you tomorrow" Vinny said as he stood up and left with Garmadon. The oni looked at Vinny once they were outside the room, he was hiding something, he was walking ahead of Garmadon and being avoidant. "You okay?" The oni asked again, receiving the same response as before which was a nod. "Why are you lying to me...?" Garmadon asked, his voice sounded a little hurt and upset, he respected Vinnys' privacy but he could see something was affecting him.

Vinny looked at Garmadon with a guilty expression, "I'm not..." Vinny responded as he began walking knowing the oni would follow, Garmadon did in fact follow and caught up easily, "Yes you've been acting different since I woke up...did something happen?" The oni asked as he walked next to Vinny.

"Please...Garmadon please...just forget about it..." Vinny responded, his voice was small and irritation and guilt could be heard in his tone of voice. The oni was going to say something but didn't he would ask if this became worse.

The two made it to their bedroom and Garmadon sat on the bed, "I'm...gonna go wash my face...feel free to sleep..."Vinny said as he went to the bathroom. The oni knew something happened but didn't want to get involved if Vinny didn't want him in it. So he lied down on the bed waiting for the cameraman to come out but slowly drifted into a sleep.

Vinny dropped to his knees in the bathroom and sobbed to himself quietly covering his mouth. "I'm such an idiot..." He whimpered out quietly before bringing his knees to his chest. "Yes you are~" A voice called out as the bathroom changed its colour to red and black again. Suddenly the reflection thing happened again and the reflection came out of the mirror.

Vinny backed away into a corner trying to stay far away, this made the reflection smirk, " you're telling people about me~ Kinda sad really, Oh and yea even the other ninja think you're able to kill~!" The reflection said as it moved closer to Vinny. The reflection let out a sigh, "Y'know we had a shitty meeting lets start with introduction~! How about I start!" it added.

"I'm you'" The reflection said as it got right in Vinnys' face, "'re not..."Vinny replied, making the shadow sigh and stand up straight, "You're right I'm not.....restart~! My name is Enji!" The reflection said as it was engulfed in a mist and once it disappeared a man he had black hair with streaks of white hair and from the looks of it he had black eyes, but when he looked down and up again his eyes flashed blue.

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