Chapter 23

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Garmadon began walking over to where he thought his brother might be, mumbling things to himself, "Is he mad at me...why would he be mad...I didn't do anything...why does he want me with him..?" Garmadon mumbled to himself before bumping into Zane. "My...apologies..." The oni said avoiding eye contact. "It is anything bothering seem to be...distracted?" the ice ninja replied. "I am you know where my brother is?" Garmadon responded.

Zane nodded and led him to where Wu was, then left. The oni nodded on the door and was told to come in which he did. "Ah brother what brings you here? I thought you would've been with Vinny" Wu said as he sipped his tea then signalled for him to sit down. Garmadon sat down in front of his brother, "I wish I was....but he appears to want me not with him at the moment" the oni said his tone becoming sadder at the thought of that. "Why has something happened between the two of you?" Wu asked curiously he wouldn't expect any anger between the two of them. "Tea?" Wu added earning a nod from his brother. Wu filled a cup of tea for his brother.

" unsure if I did something to upset him...but I think he is mad at me..." Garmadon said sadly, Wu stared at him not believing what he was hearing there was no way Vinny could be mad at Garmadon. "Brother...I highly doubt that he is mad at you. You're over reacting, jumping to conclusions. He's probably just tired and moody" Wu said chuckling softly. The oni stared at his brother wanting to believe his words, but he was overthinking it he loved Vinny too much that anything that he thought was annoying to Vinny made him think he was mad or upset.

"I doubt that...he wanted to talk to the water ninja and wanted me leave..." Garmadon said his voice becoming more upset. "Garmadon...why would he even be mad at you..?" Wu asked his brother trying to give him an idea that Vinny isn't mad. "He's in pain now he's probably mad at me because of that..." The oni said feeling guilty again. "He enjoyed himself right?" Wu asked earning a nod from his brother, "Exactly, if he enjoyed himself he can't really be mad he's just moody" Wu added as he refilled himself his cup of tea. "I...just want to be sure he isn't mad at me..."Garmadon spoke out, Wu honestly felt really bad, it wasn't everyday he saw he brother showing this much emotion.

"Maybe you can talk to him later, and maybe if he's actually mad at you he just wants some space so you don't notice anything bothering him" Wu said, Garmadon let out a sigh, "I hope you're right..." The oni said as he finished his cup of tea.

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