Chapter 32

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"Nah we can wait and plus I wanna see this" Kai said before taking another sip of his drink, Vinny gave him a thumbs up before gently grabbing Garmadons' hands and the controller. The oni was listening really well mainly because he trusted Vinny, "What is the purpose of game?" The oni asked curiously, making Vinny chuckle softly, "It's fun" "And it's relaxing!" Kai and Cole both spoke out.

"That is like the worst explanation you two could have done" Vinny sighed out to the two ninjas. "What do you mean? It works with others" Kai replied smugly, "And who are these others?" Vinny asked knowing what answer he was going to get. Kai paused for a moment, "People?" The fire ninja said earning a exactly look from Vinny. "Okay okay sorry geez I get your point go ahead and explain it to him, clearly he understands you better" Kai said out in a defeated tone making Vinny giggle and Cole chuckle out.

Vinny looked at Garmadon, "Well everyone enjoys different things and have different preferences for enjoyment and relaxation or well to get away from responsibilities some do art, write stories, some like cleaning, playing sport and or like playing games like this, but they all bring some sense of enjoyment eventually, like finishing a drawing, a game, winning a sports tournament, a story, or finishing cleaning a mess that has been a pain to look at just like how I tell you about finally finishing a shift at work" Vinny explained as he gently held Garmadons' hands.

"Damn he's good" Cole whispered to Kai who nodded, the oni thought for a moment, "That...makes sense..." Garmadon responded earning a smile from Vinny. The cameraman looked back at Kai before sticking out his tongue, "I said I was sorry!" Kai responded in a childish tone. The two ninjas began playing their game again while Vinny continued to teach Garmadon how to play. Eventually he got the hang of it and they slowly began playing.

The group began having to do specific tasks like kill someone or kidnap them, "How come when I did this to people it was bad but it's fine in video games?" Garmadon said making Kai laugh out and Vinny let out a sigh, "The game isn't real living people and plus some people play these games to let out anger that doesn't harm living people" Vinny responded while Kai and Cole laughed quietly.

Eventually they had to kidnap someone surrounded by guards, "We need a plan to get to them?" Cole said as they looked at the character surrounded by guards, "Ambushing?" Garmadon suggested he really enjoyed the game Vinny was right it was sort of relaxing. "No, don't have that of weapons" Kai sighed out before looking at Vinny who was thinking really hard."Ambushing wouldn't work even if we had good weapons they have guns and we don't" Vinny said, earning a nod from everyone, they were all throwing out ideas while Vinny thought hard.

"We could kidnap the guards and then kill the person due to being defenceless but that could be a situation that is really risky it can escalate quickly..." Vinny said out, while everyone listened carefully. "I suggest we kidnap one of the guards and torturing them for information......If verbal torture doesn't work, electric shocks and bamboo torture is very effective....castration is painful too" Vinny said before looking back at the others. (This part was inspired by a meme I saw ages ago)

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