Chapter 47

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Vinny stared at Rida surprisingly and nervously, "My apologies, Enji is...occupied for a while and I suppose you would prefer if Enji was here instead?" Rida said out calmly, hearing this the cameraman looked at the orange eyed man curiously. "O-Oh no...I'd prefer anyone, but him" Vinny responded quickly as he sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Ah yes...Enji is a bit on the...aggressive and cocky side..." Rida said out softly as he sat next to Vinny. He wasn't wearing the phoenix mask so his scars were evident. The cameraman wanted to ask about the scars, but thought it was a touchy subject and instead asked, "How does Enji...? Do all those thing...? Come out of mirrors make random things appear?" Vinny asked as he looked away.

The question caught the orange-eyed man off guard, but he let out a sigh, "I may have taught him the mirror trick while changing shape and making random objects appear...Is just him...he's an elemental master" Rida said out calmly as he looked at Vinny who was fidgeting with the dagger. Hearing this instantly caught the cameramans' attention, "H-he's an e-elemental? Which one...?" Vinny asked as he looked at Rida desperately wanting an answer.

"Well... doubt you've heard about it but, he's the elemental master of illusion, meaning nothing he creates is real just like how he changes his appearance of makes things up like blades" Rida responded causing Vinny to get lost in thought, "W-wait then how did he make a dagger appear and what's the mirror trick??" The cameraman asked again clearly curious about Enji.

"Unlike Enji...I don't have an elemental though I do magic and I ended up teaching him how he can actually create objects with magic while also having an enchanted's connected to many mirrors and we both have access to it, unlike him I don't need the actual mirror while Enji does need it to get around and usually keeps it tied to his waist" Rida replied making Vinnys' jaw drop.

"You do...magic?" The cameraman stuttered out, "Hah...yes it is quite a shock isn't it?" The orange-eyed man responded with a chuckle. Vinny nodded before remembering how his nightmares were sort of caused by Rida and he didn't ask Rida about it yet. "I-I have a question..." The cameraman said out quietly not knowing how the orange-eyed man would react. "Go ahead" Rida responded calmly.

"The first time I saw you...I woke up from a nightmare...did you cause it? And how did you do it?" Vinny asked as he looked at the orange-eyed man. Rida went quiet for a moment, "Ah yes...I did cause it, my...apologies for what I caused in that nightmare...and how I caused it? I am quite experienced in magic" The orange-eyed man responded. The cameraman looked at the ground, "Why...?" He asked.

"I-I...I do have quite a habit of being a bit aggressive when I first sort of introduce myself like that" Rida replied he seemed a bit speechless at first but thought of what to say. "You and Enji...kept saying that I was smarter than I look...why was that?" Vinny asked again more assertive this time, "Not many people can usually break out like that...It came as a shock and you are fairly smart in general" Rida responded.

Vinny was going to say something, but there was a knock at the door and the two instantly darted attention to the door, "Who's there?!" Vinny called out, "It's me Nya! Can we talk?!" The water ninja replied from the other side of the door, "OK give me a minute!" Vinny shouted back.

"You need to go" The cameraman said to Rida, "Can't I stay? I'll stay hidden" The orange-eyed man replied. Vinny wasn't bothered arguing and nodded as he stood up. Rida smiled softly before standing up as well. "God damn you're tall" Vinny said again, sure he said it the first time he met Rida, but he couldn't get over how tall he was. The orange-eyed man chuckled before backing away into the corner of the room and reciting a spell and disappearing, "What the..?" Vinny said out, "I'm still here just not able to be seen" Rida said out from the corner.

"Ok...?" The cameraman said before going to open the door for Nya.

"We need to talk..." The water ninja instantly said to Vinny who let her in the room.

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