Chapter 13

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The two lovers slept for a few hours, but Garmadon woke up first he felt like absolute shit and let out a sigh. The former warlord sat up and stared down at his resting angel and smiled to himself. "I don't deserve you..." he whispered to himself before gently kissing his lovers' forehead earning a soft little smile from Vinny. Garmadon stood up before stretching. He was honestly sick of being here, but he had to help he wanted to help his son. Though it did hurt that his son was afraid of embracing his oni form, but couldn't blame him practically all the onis' he's ever seen have been some what evil not counting Mystake.

Garmadon walked out of the monastery and looked around he opened the gate and sat on the edge. It was pretty late and everyone was resting or so he thought. Garmadon leaned back and stared at the sky the stars were shining and it was beautiful. He really started to admire things when he met Vinny, he would've never seen the significance of something before. The thought of that made him chuckle softly, and closed his eyes. "Mind if i join you?"A voice suddenly called out softly causing Garmadon to turn his attention to the owner of the voice.

It was Lloyd, "Not at all.."Garmadon responded to his son before looking back up at the sky. Lloyd sat down next to his father and stared at the sky. "Does Vinny know you're up?" the green ninja asked his father, which Garmadon responded by shaking his head. "i really am sorry..."Lloyd said breaking a silence that stood there for two minutes. "I said it was fine..."He responded to his son, "No it isn't this isn't the first time i heard someone talk to me in that tone" Lloyd responded.

Garmadon stared at his son before letting out a sigh, "You have every reason to not have given me a chance and think that i could not change...."The oni told his son, " I didn't, i shouldn't be judging you for your past mistakes and it wasn't your fault, but...i am really happy you found someone to give you a chance and i can honestly tell you changed"Lloyd said smiling at his father.

"I agree...about finding a person that believed in me not the other stuff"Garmadon responded quickly adding the last part, hearing this made Lloyd laugh out softly, "Believe what you want but remember what i said" said the green ninja comforting his father. Lloyd leaned on his fathers' shoulder, this caught Garmadon off guard but he didn't mind he really did want to make up with his son. Garmadon rested his hand on his sons' head. The two stayed there for 30minutes until Lloyd fell asleep and Garmadon picked up his son and carried him to his room gently laying him on his bed.

On the way back to his room he saw his brother who gave him a soft smile, as Garmadon entered the room he carefully went back into bed not wanting to wake up Vinny. It was at the moment that he's ever felt so calm before.

(Awwww my heart this is like the most heart warming chapter i've ever written and i love it i mean who doesn't love father and son bonding, it's also long hope you guys enjoy)

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