Chapter 12

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Vinny stared at Lloyd embarrassed, "Now that is something i won't tell you or anyone" Vinny chuckled awkwardly, "i do say i am quite impressed by your relationship with my brother i would have never expected this to happen and for how long have you been together"Wu asked curiously. Vinny smiled before saying" Honestly we actually got together the day before you two came and asked for help", Lloyd stared at him before realisation was evident on his face, "that explains alot"Lloyd said.

Vinny chuckled and nodded and stroked his hand through Garmadons' hair, this caused Garmadon to purr causing Vinny to blush. "so Nya knew about this before all of us, damn.. i can't believe it i'm offended she never told me"Lloyd jokingly said earning a soft laugh from everyone. "Well i do apologise deeply to you brother we should have seen through different perspectives to help you, and i apologise to you about how Misako treated you"Wu said.

Garmadon had his head laying on Vinnys' lap he was staring at the wall, and was quiet for a minute, "It's...fine..."Garmadon finally said his voice sounded soft and broken he hated thinking about anything about forgiving them but they deserved all except Misako...How could he forgive her while he was trapped in the underworld he would've been there for his son but hen when he came back he had to fight him and hell he almost killed him when he was brought back by Harumi.

Vinny stared at Garmadon knowing he was upset, he then gently kissed his fore head attempting to comfort him. "we shall leave you two alone now"Wu said as he left closing the door behind them. "you feeling okay?"Vinny asked earning a small nod from Garmadon. "Let's take a nap that'll make you feel better"Vinny said before laying down and resting Garmadons' head on his chest. "Good night"Vinny said, before being the first one to sleep. Garmadon noticed that his lover was asleep as continued to stare at the wall. "what's wrong with me"He whispered, "why are my eyes like this?"Garmadon thought before rubbing his eyes and noticing a redish liquid on his hands"why are they watery...?". Garmadon hugged himself before digging his nails into his skin. "Why is this happening...?"he whimpered quietly, before slowly falling asleep.

(ah yes Garmadon angst and yes his tears a red)(i hope you all liked this part)

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