Chapter 9

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Garmadon went over to the library where his brother was. "Good you came, i wanted to ask a few more questions regarding you and Vinny"Wu said as he saw his brother walk in. When Garmadon heard this he blushed, "What do you mean..?"He asked trying to knock off the question. "You and Vinny have an interesting relationship and you act somewhat of how you acted around Misako"Wu replied smirking slightly. Garmadon stared at Wu, he hated these questions. The ice ninja and water ninja probably know the most. "I know what you're suggesting brother and I assure you that there is nothing going on between the two of us"Garmadon replied acting oblivious to the question. We let out a sigh, "I am just saying if you feel like you can trust him and feel differently about him maybe try"Wu said, he really was oblivious the two were together the water ninja knew and she was correct about Wu catching on. "Is that all you called me here for" Garmadon asked. Wu shook his head and pulled out some scrolls. The two began talking.

With Vinny and Nya, after Garmadon left Vinny changed and went to find Nya. The two began talking and eventually Nya started asking questions. " long you two been together?"She asked this sudden question made Vinny blush, "L-like two days.."He replied embarrassingly. This answer surprised Nya, "Only 2 days?and you two are already all on each other"she laughed out. "How long have you liked him?"She asked, "W-well I think I started to notice it around 7months ago though I think a little before that"He replied, "How'd you confess?"Nya asked again. "Ehhh..he confessed though I'd rather not talk about that"Vinny replied which Nya nodded too not wanting to overwhelm him with uncomfortable questions. Nya wrapped an arm around Vinnys' shoulder, "I'll help you through this entire relationship"She said comfortingly. "I honestly never thought someone could be so accepting of someone being with Garmadon"Vinny chuckled out. Nya stared at him, "Well I think it's nice you gave him another chance and I can tell he likes you a lot especially with how much he listened to you yesterday when he was training Lloyd"She replied happily. The two began talking for awhile as Garmadon was still busy with Wu and everyone else were doing something else.

A while later Garmadon found Vinny still hanging out with Nya. "Hey Garm!"Vinny said out happily making Garmadon blush. He didn't respond but instead sat next to Vinny and pulled him onto his lap. At that point he didn't care Nya already knew about this and she said she wasn't going to tell anyone. "You two are honestly adorable"She said as she stared at Vinny who was blushing not expecting this to happen. "G-Garm is something wrong?"Vinny asked curiously. He didn't respond but turned Vinnys' head to face him before giving him a kiss making him blush even more. "G-Garm not with her watching.."Vinny mumbled out embarrassingly. "Aww no it's fine this is adorable"She said before looking at her phone which just got a message. "The others are coming back you two might wanna stop being so touchy with each other especially if you wanna keep your cute relationship a secret"She added which made Vinny try moving out of Garmadons' only to be kept down. "Garm..."Vinny said as Garmadon nuzzled his neck gently not enough to tickle him. Eventually soft purrs could be heard coming out of Garmadons' mouth. "You never told me he could purr"Nya said she was honestly amazed at how calm Garmadon was, "I-I never knew he could..."Vinny said out embarrassingly his face was a bright red. Vinny eventually managed to squeeze out of Garmadons' grasp earring complaints from Garmadon but stopped when the ninja finally came back.

"Wow sis never knew you would hang out with Vinny and Garmadon"Kai said out curiously "Who else was I meant to hang out with all of you were out"She replied "and honestly they're both fun to hang out with especially once you get to know them" she added. "Whatever you say"Lloyd said out curiously before going to his room with Jay to read the new Starfarer comic. They all began talking about their days. And Cole brought up how close Vinny and Garmadon were which Nya said was just because Vinny gave Garmadon another chance after everything he's done. Thankfully everyone believed it and the two felt relieved knowing someone could lie to the ninja for them

(Ehhhhh this chapter is shiiiiiiit sorry I was writing this on the train I wish I had more time though I hope you guys enjoy)

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