Chapter 35

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(With Garmadon) The oni woke up an hour after he fell asleep and looked around, he quickly noticed Vinny wasn't in bed. He panicked a bit before looking at a clock and realising, "It's been and hour where is he...maybe he went to eat something...?" Garmadon thought before looking around again and noticing that the bathroom door was closed. "Is he still in there...?" The oni thought before getting up and going to knock on the door. He hesitated for a moment, "Maybe he wants to be alone..." he said. He eventually worked up enough guts and knocked on the door. "Vinny...? Are you in there...?" Garmadon asked.

Vinnys' eyes widened from inside the bathroom hearing that and he looked up at Enji who looked like he was thinking about what to do. "I'm going to make this room sound proof and you're going to lie to him" Enji hissed to Vinny, who just nodded as he heard the knocks again. Enji snapped his fingers and nodded at Vinny. "Y-Yea Garm I'm in here!" The cameraman called out as he clutched his hand and looked at his foot that was stabbed as well.

"Are you alright in there...? It's been an hour..." Garmadon called out from outside. Enji looked at Vinny annoyingly as if telling him to hurry up and answer, "Yea...I'm fine, just trying to look for something so I can have a shower!" Vinny called out as he held back a pained whimper. Enji looked at the cameraman and smirked before turning on the water to the shower, (Don't worry they're not showering together) "I'm guessing you found it...?" Garmadon called out, "Yep, just give me a while" Vinny responded as he held his hand tighter trying to keep it from bleeding more.

"Well...okay just worried about haven't been yourself...." Garmadon said out as he pressed his hand against the bathroom door, his tone of voice was sad and filled with worry. "I-I know....I'm sorry just r-really tired..." Vinny replied as he rested his head on the other side of the bathroom door. "I'll...see you you..." the oni said before walking back to the bad and dropping on it. "Love you too..." The cameraman replied quieter.

Enji let out a groan before snapping his fingers, "You're so sappy!" the sadistic finger said out annoyingly. Vinny looked away and whimpered in pain, "'re gonna have a shower either way and I've had my fun so get yourself up and have a shower" Enji said before sitting on the sink. "I-I can' stabbed my foot..." Vinny responded his voice was tainted with pain. Enji groaned before grabbing Vinny and putting him on the toilet seat, "Y'know be glad I'm doing this for you" Enji said as he grabbed a towel and put it on the side for Vinny. "Y-you're only doing this b-because you don't want to be caught..." Vinny responded quietly as he looked away.

"You're right~! And you won't be telling anyone about're going to be telling the old man that what happened was like a dream in a dream~ Understand~?" Enji asked as he lifted Vinnys' chin, "Y-yea..."The cameraman responded. " you made quite a mess" Enji sighed out staring at the blood on the ground, "Can't have anyone noticing that~'s something for those stabs really can't have people seeing that" he added before snapping his fingers and the blood disappeared.

"I'll leave you to it now...I'm weird, but....I don't watch people shower...I have more morals than that!" Enji laughed out before holding up the middle finger and disappearing back into the mirror.

Vinny was left alone and looked around before trying to get up and failing miserably, he stripped off his clothes and limped into the shower before hissing in pain as the water hit his stab wounds. he carefully washed his body before leaning against the wall and beginning to sob quietly, he was so sick of this guy, he just hurts him then just leaves.

He scrubbed his body and hissed at the soap touched his foot and hand it stung badly, he eventually finished in the shower and dried himself off before sitting down and carefully applying bandages on himself, he did his hand first and then foot it was pretty straight forward but once he finished he left the bathroom, and looked at Garmadon thankful he was sleeping, he then put on blue sweatpants and a white shirt with a blue jumper.

He lied down on the bed once he finished at looked at the roof for what felt like years, he really didn't want to go to sleep as he thought he would have another one of those nightmares, but he eventually rolled onto his side, facing the other way to Garmadon and slowly falling asleep.

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