Chapter 31

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Vinny went out to Garmadon and hugged him, "Is your hand better?" The oni asked as he hugged back, the cameraman nodded thankful that his lie was believed. "I'm not really tired, can we do something that isn't sleeping?" Vinny asked as he really was jumpy and erratic. Garmadon nodded and kisses Vinnys' forehead affectionately making him blush.

"We should go find someone and see if they have anything we can long as you're fine with that" The cameraman said wanting to make sure he wasn't forcing Garmadon into anything, the oni nodded in response. He wasn't in much of a talking mood which sort of bothered Vinny, due to that nightmare he had and all he wanted was to hear Garmadons' voice as it made him feel safe.

Vinny being Vinny obviously didn't say anything about it, and held the onis' hand affectionately and the two began walking to find someone. Eventually their walk took them to the gaming room where Kai and Cole were, the two were playing a game unaware of the two that walked in. "Whatcha playing?" Vinny asked as he rested his head on the back of the couch.

Kai and Cole panicked and practically jumped away, Kai clinging onto Cole, "Holy shit, Vinny don't scare us like that" Cole said as he relaxed himself and blushed as he saw Kai. The cameraman smirked realising the embarrassment, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, but me and Garm are bored" Vinny said as he pulled Garmadon closer which caught Kai and Cole off guard.

"Well...we're playing {insert random ninja game} , wanna join?" Kai offered as he looked at Garmadon who seemed really relaxed with how much Vinny was touching him. "Isn't that the game that is filled with gore?" The cameraman said out curiously. Kai nodded, "It's a really good game" Cole replied.

Vinny pulled Garmadon in closer. "Well I think I could go for a good game" Vinny said as he looked back to Kai who was now moved away from Cole. "Cool! So is he gonna play orrr?" Kai replied before looking towards the oni. "Umm...wanna play? I can teach you....after these two teach me first?" Vinny asked, Garmadon was hesitant at first but nodded.

Cole gave the two a thumbs up and signalled for them to come and sit on the couch which they did. "So Vinny, we didn't see you at all today, something happen? Nya said you weren't feeling well and your voice sounds a little different" Kai said as Cole grabbed two extra controllers. Hearing this Vinny lit up with blush while Garmadon looked down at the ground, "Yea I was a little sick but I feel better" The cameraman responded and thanked Cole for the controllers before giving one to Garmadon.

"I'm curious about yesterday, we were just standing there and then we see Garmadon holding you over his shoulder" Cole said as he held back laughter, "Yea! That was so random, don't tell me you pissed off the dark lord~ No offence" Kai teased before saying the last part to Garmadon, "None taken" The oni replied calmly as he looked at Vinny who was really red as he began stuttering his words trying to think of an explanation,

"I-I guess I s-sort of did.." Vinny said out awkwardly, Kai laughed out and leaned forward to grab a soft drink. Cole began teaching Vinny how to play which he quickly learnt causing Kai and Cole to be really surprised. "'re a fast learner" Kai said when the cameraman clearly learnt how to play. Vinny smiled at them, "You two feel free to do what ever you want I'm gonna teach Garm" Vinny said out softly as he leaned towards Garmadon. 

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