Chapter 48

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Nya walked in and Vinny closed the door, "What's going on?" the water ninja asked instantly as the cameraman turned his attention to her. "W-what do you mean?" Vinny asked causing Nya to give him an annoyed look, "Between you and Garmadon? what's going on you two seem? Distant...Lloyd told me about a few things" she said.

Vinny looked away nervously, he didn't want to talk about this at all, "Nothing happened between us" The cameraman lied causing Nya to let out a sigh, "I'm not dumb I know when there's issues in a relationship, I'm with Jay and we fight then we don't talk to each other" The water ninja said as she tried her best to receive a truthful answer the cameraman. "I swear nothing happened between us and even if something did it probably wouldn't last long" Vinny protested against her claims even though he knew she was right.

"Well whatever happened is also affecting your appearance, you look like you haven't slept in days and don't think I haven't noticed that bandage on your arm" Nya replied her voice full of concern. The cameraman looked away nervously, he ended up looking at the corner where Rida most likely standing he didn't know why, he just felt like Rida was standing there watching. "Nothing happened..." Vinny responded as he tried to convince Nya.

The water ninja let out a sigh, "Whatever's happening you can tell me when you're ready, but please...don't get into a fight with Garmadon again" Nya said causing Vinnys' eyes to widen, "H-how do you...?" The cameraman stuttered out before being cut off, "I may have overheard you two" The water ninja said, "And he has a point" she added as he she looked at Vinny clearly hesitant with what she was saying. "I...j-just go please..." The cameraman spoke out his voice small and full of different emotions.

"Alright...just know you can talk to me.." Nya said out in defeat she clearly knew she wasn't going to get anywhere if this evolved into a fight. The water ninja walked out of the room closing the door behind her. "Fucking hell..." Vinny groaned out as he rested his head against the bed, the last thing he would, he flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his attention to it and saw Rida, now visible, looking at him. "I take it she didn't escalate the situation?" The orange eyed man spoke calmly.

"Thankfully she didn't...I doubt I'd be able to take another fight with someone" The cameraman responded as he shoved his head back into the bed. "With your permission may I ask a bit of a...personal question?" Rida asked softly as he sat down next to Vinny who hesitantly nodded, "I've been wondering...why do you feel the need to keep this a secret from them? They've been through enough battles to know how to deal with it" The orange eyed man asked as he looked at Vinny with intent in his eyes.

The cameraman was quiet for a moment as he looked at Rida, "I-I don't know...they've been through so much already...I just feel like I-I need to protect them do whatever I can to keep them s-safe..." Vinny stuttered out as he looked at the ground. "Why must you protect them? You don't have any experience with battle" The orange eyed man spoke out causing the cameraman to go deep into thought.

"T-they have much more important things to deal with than what's impacting's my fault I'm falling for Enjis' tricks and I have a weak mind" Vinny said as he looked back up at Rida, "You don't really have a weak mind you've managed to tell the difference between reality and illusions" The orange eyed man spoke in a calm tone trying to make the cameraman feel better. "I...guess that's true" Vinny replied.

"Changing the subject I was wondering if I could join you tomorrow, when you go out" Rida asked clearly changing the subject to make Vinny feel better, "I...I mean sure you are nice company" The cameraman replied with a soft smile on his face, "Thank you I don't have much to do since Enji's doing a few things for me" Rida said.

Vinny was honestly really happy Enji was busy, he literally caused him so much problems and it was annoying. The two began talking for a while mainly about random things.

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