Chapter 24

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Garmadon got up, "Thank you brother" he said as he stretched. "I'm always here to listen to you brother, try not to overthink about Vinny too much" Wu replied as his brother left. The oni walked around wondering what to do mainly due to the fact Vinny wanted some space. "Maybe I can find Lloyd" Garmadon thought as he began looking for his son.

(With Nya and Vinny) "Soooo..?" Nya said, "Sooo....?"a confused Vinny replied. The water ninja let out a sigh, "How was it?" Nya asked hearing this made Vinny blush as he remembered more about the events last night with Garmadon. "Well it was good..." the cameraman said embarrassingly to Nya making her burst out laughing. "Not gonna lie...I can see why he gets along with you though" the water ninja said, "Hmm? You can? And why is that?" Vinny asked as he took a sip of the chamomile tea she made for his lost voice.

"You're a really nice guy and from what I see you get along with everyone...hey I'm wondering how did any of your friends react to finding out Garmadon was your roommate?" Nya asked curiously as she scrolled through her phones texting Jay about their date tomorrow. "Friends? Oh no I honestly don't really hang out with people that I don't have someone I'm connected to" Vinny chuckled out, hearing this the water ninja stared at him, " the most unbelievable thing I've heard how can you not have any friends?" Nya asked dumbfounded, "I-I never said I didn't have friends" the cameraman said trying to make himself not seem like a loner. "Do you have friends?" Nya asked, "Not really" Vinny said as realisation hit him, "Damn! I really am a loner!" the cameraman yelled out, "SHHH not yelling, you're gonna strain your voice more" Nya said "And you just made my point" she added.

Vinny smiled awkwardly, "But when some of the people at my work place found out they were weirded out and said...things..." Vinny said his voice becoming quieter. Hearing this made Nya feel really bad, "Well forget them! They don't know the first thing about you or Garmadon!" Nya said out trying to comfort Vinny. "And honestly when I was a kid me and my brother didn't have much friends most of the kids found it weird we didn't have parents, but...I'm happy now that I know they're safe and they left to protect us" Nya said, Vinny smiled, "Honestly I guess the closest I've had to a friend is Gayle and I barely get along with her" the cameraman said.

"So did they just find you weird when they found out Garmadon was living with you" Nya asked she was a little more hesitant with the questions not wanting to get into anything to personal. "Not really...most of them found me weird to begin with but when they found about Garmadon I guess it just proved them right" Vinny responded. "Hah! Well sucks to be them your boyfriend is now Garmadon, I bet if he found about them talking shit about you he would kill them, so don't you dare listen to them they're idiots you're anything but weird" Nya said, "Yea...I guess Garm would do that for me...but I haven't told him about any of this and I don't plan to, I don't want him thinking he's the reason I'm thought to be weird or anything he usually takes things the wrong way and thinks I'm angry or upset at him..." Vinny said as he drank more tea.

"Well then if you won't tell him you're always free to talk to me about any problems, I know what it's like to be thought to be different, when I first became a ninja everyone thought it was weird and that I was weird but I ignored them and kept pushing and just like you I got together with the love of my life, Jay." Nya said hearing this made the cameraman feel way better, "Yea I guess..." Vinny said, Nya let out a sigh, "Well that's enough sad talk how about I go get Garmadon for you, you look like you want him" the water ninja chuckled out earning a nod from Vinny.

Nya left the room leaving Vinny alone with his thoughts.

(wooooo hope you enjoy of course I gave you another part)

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