Chapter 20

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Garmadon picked up Vinny and took him to the bathroom, he put Vinny on the toilet seat as he started the water of the shower, which also has a bathtub there, "I'm gonna put you in there and I'll get the bed cleaned" the oni told his lover, the smaller nodded and looked like he was going to doze off. The water was good and he put Vinny in the bathtub, "Just stay like that...can't have you drowning" Garmadon said as he kissed Vinnys' forehead before going back to the bedroom and rummaging through the closets and drawers before finally finding some bed sheets.

The oni quickly changed the sheets and threw the dirty ones in the laundry basket before joining Vinny in the bathtub and holding him close. "You feeling okay?" Garmadon asked in a soothing tone, "Mhm.." Vinny responded as he nuzzled into his lovers' chest affectionately. The oni let out a chuckle before beginning to clean off Vinny with a rag with soap on it, the smaller flinched due to the deep bite marks on his body the water and scrubbing stung quite a bit. "Sorry...too rough?" Garmadon asked and Vinny nodded.

The oni was being more gentler and stroked his hand through Vinnys' hair comforting him. "Sleepy..." Vinny yawned out, "My love you need to stay up for a little longer I'm almost done, then we can get you dressed~" Garmadon chuckled out softly, "Nooo...I wanna sleep..." Vinny whined, "Alright, I can get you dressed my self..." Garmadon replied calmly as he couldn't blame Vinny for bring tired. The smaller easily fell asleep in his lovers' arms. 5 minutes later Garmadon finished and carefully took the smaller out not wanting to wake him up. He grabbed a towel and dried himself and Vinny off before getting dressed along as carefully getting Vinny dressed.

Vinny let out a soft yawn and nuzzled into Garmadons' chest. "So cute..." Garmadon thought to himself as he kissed Vinnys' head. " really going to feel this when he wakes up later.." the oni thought feeling a little worried for his lover and hoping he wouldn't be in too much pain due to their...activities...

Garmadon sat there on the bed with Vinny in his arms, he wasn't really that tired so he just kept his lover close while stroking his hair. There was a knock on the door causing Garmadon to react easily, he really hoped it wasn't the other ninja that didn't know about Garmadons' relationship with Vinny. "It's me brother.." a familiar voice said as Wu entered the room. Garmadon let out a sigh of relief when his brother entered, "I see you have done...something together..." Wu said awkwardly signalling towards Vinny.

Garmadon lit up with blush, "I-I umm..y-yea.." The oni replied avoiding eye contact. "Well then....anything Vinny might need when he wakes up..." Wu asked again not questioning he brother. "I-I umm maybe water....or something for pain?" Garmadon stuttered out not expecting his brother not to ask about this. Wu nodded before going to leave, "I hope you enjoyed yourself...and I'm happy for you brother..." Wu said, causing Garmadon to give a happy smile which honestly looked so pure and calm. Wu smiled before leaving and closing the door.

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