Chapter 6

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(I suggest you go read part 1-5 if you haven't already)( also I ship Kai and Cole don't come harass me!)( guys forgive me they're eating in this chapter but I don't know if it's accurate so yea)(Vinny wears a glove on his right hand btw and also the purple oni smoke that comes out of Garmadons' hands burn in my au my rules)

"W-what was that for!?"Vinny exclaimed though it was muffled due to him shoving his face into the mattress. "What, am I not allowed to kiss you?" Garmadon replied in a snarky tone. Vinny didn't respond and kept his face in the mattress he didn't mind Garmadon kissing him but it was surprising to think of the fact that the dark lord has fallen for a cameraman.

Garmadon let out a sigh before sitting on the bed and picking up Vinny the putting him on his lap. The larger began nuzzling the smallers' neck causing his to laugh out, "G-Garm stop t-that it tickles!" The smaller giggled out. Garmadon obviously ignored his pleas to stop because he loved seeing the smaller laugh he just seemed so pure.

There was a knock at the door and Vinny jumped out of Garmadons' lap and went to the door, it was Kai and Cole, "Hey you two, Master wu told us to come here and tell you Zane made food so come out if you want and that after you can train Lloyd" Kai said before grabbing Coles' hand and walking away. "Do you wanna go?" Vinny asked which to Garmadon nodded and stood up walking towards the door and Vinny following behind.

The two made their way to where the ninja was sitting they had to add some space for the two but that was quickly dealt with. Cole was already stuffing his face with noodles and dumplings while Jay and Lloyd were eat puffy potstickers. The smith siblings were drinking miso soup and Wu was eating some pie and tea. Garmadon and Vinny began eating whatever (no more describing food) "So Vinny I haven't seen you since like after the end of the overlord, how's everything going?" Nya asked trying to be friendly because it was awfully quiet at the table. Vinny looked up at Nya, "oh honestly everythings' been amazing "he replied.

Jay hesitantly asked, "S-so umm...has G-Garmadon ever hurt you...?" After Jay asked that he received a bonk on the head from Nya and literally everyone stared at Jay. "Why would you ask a question like that?" Vinny asked he was looking down at the table and so was Garmadon they really didn't like this at all. "I-I'm just curious...I mean maybe like when he first came to your apartment and he didn't know how to act"Jay replied at this point everyone at the table was giving Jay a death stare while Lloyd on the other hand was curious just like the blue ninja.

"It's fine you can tell them..."Garmadon whispered quietly to Vinny. The smaller looked up at him with a concerned looked before nodding. "There...there was one time.." Vinny said. At that point everyone focused their attention from Jay onto Vinny, they knew it was rude to talk about but they were so curious. "Just like you said it was when he first came to my apartment he was...adjusting.."Vinny said, Garmadon hated remembering it but, he knew Vinny forgave him he's apologised a thousand times already.

"So one time he didn't necessarily understand human culture at all and well that made him angry.....he well....grabbed my hand and you know the purple oni smoke....well it kinda burnt my hand....accidentally of course",Vinny said looking at his right hand which had a black glove over it. Jay felt really bad asking that question now apologised for the sensitive topic. "Is that what the glove is for?" Zane asked to which Vinny nodded. Garmadon didn't want to speak he felt guilt all the time about the event and now it felt worse.

"Honestly, don't feel too bad about Kai burns us nearly all the time in training and he accidentally burns himself sometimes" Cole said trying to brighten the mood and wrapping his arm around Kai. Nya and Jay laughed, "Yea that is true, and Cole only trains with him because he wants to spend more time with Kai!"Lloyd laughed out, Kai and Cole turned a bright red as the others began teasing them. Master Wu let out a sigh of relief to see that the attention has been focused away from his brother and Vinny.

Garmadon felt a sense of relief as well but he was still stressed which to Vinny grabbed his hand and began using his finger to trace circles. Wu and Zane both noticed this causing Zane to become confused and Wu to feel happy for his brother. The group eventually finished eating and moved on from making fun of Kai and Cole turning this back into a normal dinner with the group.

"Shall we go and train Lloyd now?" Wu asked the Garmadon then looked at Lloyd. "Very well, but I shall go do something first" Garmadon said before getting up and going back to his room. Vinny began to worry and stood up he was going to take his plate but Zane told him he'll take it in. Vinny thanked Zane then went after Garmadon to find him sitting on their bed in their room.

Vinny let out a sigh walked in and closed the door before sitting down next to him. "You feeling alright...?"Vinny asked before gently grabbing Garmadons' hand, "Yea.."he responded. Vinny turned Garmadons' head to be facing him, "You and me both know that it wasn't your fault you had no idea what happened you were just angry and confused, I've told you already that I forgive you...."Vinny said before pulling Garmadon down and resting the largers' head on his chest.

"It was ages ago"Vinny said gently kissing Garmadons' head repeatedly and stroking his hand through his lovers silver hair. The larger sat up the stared at Vinny before kissing him, this caught Vinny off guard and made him blush. "You could've asked me for a kiss" the smaller said. "I know's better to do it when you don't expect it" Garmadon replied.

The larger stood up the grabbed the smallers' hand before kissing it the walking over to Christofern and using a spray to water him, "We shall go to have me probably fail at teaching my son at controlling his oni form" Garmadon said before going down to where the ninja were.

"You two shall make an attempt to listen to eachother" Wu said to his brother and nephew

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