Chapter 19

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Garmadon grabbed Vinnys' hips and gently pushed into him. Vinny whimpered out and dug his nails into the bed sheets while stuffing his face. The larger was honestly worried he really didn't want to hurt Vinny. "You okay?" Garmadon asked as he pushed in a little deeper. "Mhm...Y-Yes!" Vinny whimpered before squirming around trying to get comfortable. "Vinny you're moving too much, it's gonna hurt more" the larger said as he held onto his lovers' hips trying to keep him still. Garmadon let out a low growl as he pushed in deeper "C-Careful!" Vinny said out his voice sounding a little pained, as gentle as he wanted to be they weren't going to get anywhere if they kept doing it like that.

The larger pushed in deep enough, "S-Sweetheart I'll give you a moment to get used to it" the oni said as he squeezed Vinnys' thighs. The smaller nodded and kept his face pressed into the pillow. After a moment Vinny wasn't letting out small whimpers of pain instead it turned into soft pleasured moans. " can s-start moving now..." Vinny moaned out softly. "You sure? I don't mind waiting as long as you need" Garmadon asked hoping that the smaller didn't feel rushed, "Y-yea I'm sure just be c-careful..." Vinny responded. Garmadon wasn't gonna argue with him and began gently thrusting in and out of the smaller. The larger let out a groan while Vinny began moaning out Garmadons' name. "F-Fuck~" Vinny whimpered out as the larger picked up the speed. Garmadon wasn't all the way in yet and he was planning of going in all the way. "You're doing so well for me~" Garmadon whispered into Vinnys' ear before gently biting on his shoulder and beginning to mark him with hickeys. This action made Vinny moan out louder and hold onto the bed sheets tighter. "A-Almost all they way in sweetheart~" Garmadon whispered into his ear, "T-There's more?!" Vinny whimpered out surprisingly earning a soft chuckle form the larger.

Eventually Garmadon was all the way in while Vinny was bright red unable to focus on anything. "You're doing so well~" the oni whispered into his lovers' ear as he began thrusting in and out earning loud moans from the smaller. "H-hah fuccck-ahhh!~" Vinny moaned as Garmadon picked up speed. The smaller was a mess and Garmadon began tugging back on his hair causing his moans to be louder. "So loud for me...Iove it" The larger said in a seductive sound. "F-faster a-ahhHHH~!!" Vinny said before getting thrusted into faster the larger didn't have to hear Vinny say anything more than faster because he wasn't complaining.

"Who's my good boy~?" the larger said, "ahh m-me~" Vinny whimpered out as he was slammed into repeatedly by the larger. The poor thing was so overwhelmed by pleasure he could barely form sentences. The oni began jerking Vinny off which caused him to be severely overstimulated. Garmadon continued to thrust trying to find a very specific spot to pound into the smaller. "A-AHH~ G-Garm~!" Vinny moaned out loudly as Garmadon hit his prostrate. The larger smirked, "W-want me hit right there, don't y-you~" the growled before biting harder on the smallers' shoulder. "Y-Yes! Please~!" Vinny whimpered out submissively. The oni obeyed the smaller and began thrusting in and out of the smaller hitting his prostrate directly. "You're s-such a slut, allowing your body to be dominated like this~" Garmadon whispered into the smallers' ear. Vinny moaned in response, "G-Garm! I'm c-close~!" Vinny whimpered out as he felt a knot form in his stomach.

"Good~" Garmadon whispered as he began thrusting in and out of Vinny at an inhuman speed. A few more thrusts and Vinny came earning a seductive chuckle from Garmadon. Vinny was dazed his face was bright red and he couldn't contain himself. The larger tugged back on his hair making him moan, "We're not done yet, my angel~" Garmadon said before flipping the smaller on his back making him yelp out softly. "I want a better look at your face~" he whispered making the smaller whimper out before moaning as the larger started thrusting in and out again. "OHH FUCK~!" Vinny moaned out extremely loudly. The room was filled up with moans and groans as the two were at this for a while.

Garmadon groaned as he felt himself becoming close, he didn't want to tell Vinny because he wanted to see him be caught off guard. "'re so cute~" Garmadon said trying to distract the smaller. As his thrusts became slower but clearly the thrusts were still enough to keep Vinny a mess. A couple more thrust and Garmadon came causing him to groan and Vinny louder. The larger kissed Vinny gently, "You did so..well" the oni said as he breathed heavily, "I-I did?" Vinny whimpered out his voice really shaky and his eyes unable to concentrate on anything. "Yea so well for me...let's get you cleaned off the you can get some rest, you're gonna feel like shit later" Garmadon said as he picked up Vinny.

(JGHFFGFHKHHJTFHGF THIS SHIT IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOFYYY IT'S A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER IN MY HEAD I HAD TO DUMB IT DOWN FOR YOU, ALSO next chapter will be aftercare cause it's important for out precious angel, Vinny,)

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