Chapter 21

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After around 5 minutes Wu came back with a bottle of cold water and some pain killers, "What's that?" Garmadon asked, as he was unfamiliar with pain killers. Wu let out a sigh, "Just something to reduce any pain he might be in when he wakes up" Wu replied placing the things on the bed side table. "Umm...Lloyd and Nya they might...come up to you and ask a few things..." Wu said out awkwardly to his brother, "I expected that..." Garmadon replied still stroking Vinnys' hair. Wu nods before getting up and leaving leaving Garmadon with his thoughts. "What questions would they ask...?" The oni thought to himself panicking inside as he really sucked at answering questions.

Garmadon was sitting there for hours not knowing what to do he really didn't want to do anything but stay close to Vinny, he wanted to stay with him forever and keep him safe. Garmadon dozed off at what was presumably 1:49am the next day. His arms still wrapped around Vinny. A few more hours went by and it was 7:31am and Vinny woke up. He felt like absolute dog shit.... His legs hurt his head hurt his stomach felt like his organs have been rearranged.

Vinny looked at Garmadon before smiling to himself he looked peaceful. The smaller squirmed trying to get comfortable and ignore the pain. Eventually this squirming woke up Garmadon from his slumber. "H-Hey you alright?" The oni asked worriedly once he got to his senses and realised Vinny was in pain. " legs just hurt.." The smaller responded obviously lying. Garmadon let out a sigh and grabbed the water and pain killers from the bedside table before giving it to Vinny. "I-I told my brother to get this for you in case you were in pain...will it work?" the oni asked worriedly, Vinny smiled at him and nodded before taking two tablets and swallowing it down with water.

"T-Thanks...we just need to give it a minute.." Vinny said as he nuzzled into Garmadons' chest desperate for affection. Garmadon sighed in relief happy it would work. The oni brought Vinny closer fulfilling his needs for affection. "Sooo..your brother know..." the smaller spoke his voice was small and soft. " does Lloyd and the water ninja" Garmadon responded, Vinny let out a giggle making Garmadon blush, "Well of course Nya literally took me away in front of her and I told her what happened before.." Vinny giggled out (and yes they are gossip buddies now) "Yea I guess that did happen..." The oni said remembering what happened.

Garmadon looked at Vinny he looked so tired he had black circles underneath his eyes, "You look really tired you should sleep more.." the oni said worriedly causing Vinny to let out a sigh, "I'm fine...I promise.." Vinny said as he snuggled up against Garmadon. "No you're really should sleep" Garmadon said again trying to convince Vinny to sleep. The smaller let out a sigh, "I swear Garm....I'm fine" Vinny repeated wanting his lover to listen and his voice starting to sound a little irritated.

Garmadon noticed the change in tone and instantly stopped talking, he didn't want to upset Vinny and couldn't blame him for being a little moody and ignorant. "Fine..." The oni hesitantly said in defeat, Vinny smiled and snuggled Garmadon before drinking more water.

Vinny felt his neck and felt some bite marks, "Wow you really do like biting" he joked, but Garmadon didn't catch on the joke and felt really bad, "Sorry did I hurt you?" The oni instantly said worriedly as he checked Vinnys' neck, "Garm....jokes remember.." Vinny chuckled out as he assured he lover he was fine.

This went on for a while till Nya came in unannounced, "How you two feeling?" She said as she put a tray of pancakes for the two. "O-Oh hey Nya!" Vinny said out surprisingly his voice wasn't that loud, "Ooohhh...I thought your voice was gonna be gone so I made you some tea's some muscle relief cream for your body" Nya said putting the cream on the bedside table, "Thank you you didn't need to" Vinny said out softly while Garmadon was a bit surprised about Nya coming in.

"I'll talk to you later right now I need to go back before the others get suspicious as to why I'm taking long bye!" Nya said before leaving. "Well she sure is energetic.." Garmadon chuckled out, "Yea really energetic.." Vinny responded. "Why don't we eat and you can tell me how I can apply that cream on you" The oni said calmly earning a nod from Vinny.

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