Chapter 36

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It was the next morning and Garmadon woke up and by morning I mean 8:31. The oni sat up and noticed Vinny sleeping next to him, he wasn't facing him or hugging, he felt a little sad but let out a sigh. "What's going on with you..." Garmadon whispered to himself as he stroked his hand through Vinnys' hair. Truth was Vinny had only gotten 2 hours of sleep last night due to Enjis' tormenting and how long he was staring at the roof.

The oni stood up and thought it was best to leave his lover alone to rest but he went to the kitchen where he saw Lloyd, Zane, Kai and Wu. "Morning brother" Wu greeted his brother when he realised he walked in, "Morning" The other three said, "Morning..." Garmadon responded before sitting down next to his son. "Will Vinny not be joining us?" Wu asked as he poured himself and his brother some tea and pushed the cup towards him.

"I think it's best he has some space...." The oni replied as he looked down to the cup of tea, "He alright? Is it like yesterday?" Kai asked curiously as he drank some coffee, not all of them knew why Vinny really didn't come down yesterday they just made up a lie that he was sick. "No....just really tired..." Garmadon responded he was avoiding eye contact which was unusual for him and it was obvious he was lying. "Kai, Zane, can you two go somewhere else, I wanna talk to my dad alone" Lloyd whispered to his friends which they listened, "Sure, was gonna go train either way" The fire ninja said before leaving probably to go outside, while Zane nodded, "Pixal does need my help" The ice ninja said before leaving.

"Did something happen between you two?" Lloyd asked as he sat down in front of his father who was still looking down. "Why would you suggest that?" Garmadon replied starting to get a little defensive as he took a sip of tea. "Lloyd does have a point, I've noticed you have been quite distant with him...and no one is confirming he's mad with you" Wu added he knew why Vinny was acting like this but had to keep it a secret due to him trusting him.

"It isn't my fault! He's the one that keeps pushing me away every time I ask him about it!" Garmadon hissed, he really was triggered at what they were saying, he didn't want to be distant to Vinny, he wanted to stay close and protect him and he felt like he was failing at that. "No one is blaming you, we are just wondering if something has happened to him that you know of" Wu replied as he calmed his brother down. "I...I don't know, he's been quiet and avoiding my question" The oni added.

"Why don't you keep bothering him about it?" Lloyd asked curiously, he really was unaware of everything like Garmadon, Wu was told by Vinny what was stressing him mainly because Vinny didn't want to worry Garmadon. "I've tried....he tenses up and his mood changes completely, I don't want to upset him in any way" The oni responded as he drank more tea. "Maybe you shou-" Wu was about to say something when Vinny walked in. "Morning" Garmadon instantly said to Vinny hoping he was in a better mood......he was not in a better mood.

The cameraman looked back at Garmadon, "Morning..." he mumbled in reply before looking at Lloyd, "This is coffee right...?" Vinny asked as he pointed towards a jug, the green ninja nodded. The cameraman looked terrible he had black circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess, random strands poking out guess that's what 2 hours of sleep does. "You hungry?" Lloyd asking trying to act normal, Vinny shook his head and poured himself a large cup of coffee. There was an awkward silence between the four Vinny was drinking his coffee. "Soooo...did you sleep well?" Lloyd asked breaking the silence, Wu let out a sigh of disappointment at his nephews' dumbass question while Garmadon let out a groan. Vinny looked at him in silence and honestly it was deafening.

"Morning! What's for breakfast?" Jay said as he walked in, before looking at everyone and realising they were looking at Vinny, Jay looked at the cameraman who was staring at him. The lightning ninjas' eyes widened noticing how sleep deprived he looked, "Hah...I'll go out for breakfast with Nya instead, fine with you sensei?" Jay said out awkwardly, and Wu nodded in reply while Jay hurried off.

Vinny chugged the rest of his coffee before filling it up again, "I'm gonna be in my room..." The cameraman said before leaving. "Did...did he get any sleep last night?" Lloyd asked worriedly after Vinny left. "Yea...he was sleeping when I left" the oni responded before letting out a groan of annoyance and standing up. "Where are you going?" Wu asked curiously, "Going to make sure he gets some sleep" Garmadon replied before walking back to his room.

(HAUHAUIHAH I got some shit prepared for the next few chapters!!!)

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