Chapter 37

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Vinny went back to his room and sat on the bed before beginning to drink his second cup of coffee. The cameraman looked around then down at his hand which was wrapped in a bandage, he was wearing socks on his feet to cover the bandage there. He let out an annoyed groan before carefully taking off the bandage. Vinny stared at the wound in his hand and grimaced,

The cameraman wrapped it up again not wanting anyone to see it, "Can't tell anyone anything..." he thought to himself as he drank more coffee. Garmadon came in the room catching Vinny off guard. "You...feeling okay...?" The oni hesitantly asked, the cameraman nodded in response as he hid his hand. "How much sleep did you get last night...?" The oni asked as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, "Enough sleep..." Vinny responded before getting up, he walked up to the dresser and looked in the mirror, "I don't look that bad..." The cameraman mumbled.

"You're limping...did you trip...?" Garmadon asked worriedly as he stood up and walked closer to Vinny. "Yea...last night when I was showering..." The cameraman replied obviously lying and avoiding eye contact. "Did you sprain your ankle? Or did something stab you?" The oni asked clearly noticing the bandages hidden under the socks. "Stabbed..." Vinny replied as he looked away.

"What stabbed you?" Garmadon asked, "A razor..." Vinny responded, the oni looked at his lover, "You're lying...the only way you could be stabbed by one is if it is taken out of the handle...what really stabbed you?" The oni asked more concerned. The cameraman looked away and kept his hand hidden as well. "Did something happen to your hand too...did the razor somehow manage to stab it?" Garmadon asked noticing the bandages.

"Nothing happened..." Vinny responded as he attempted to walk away. "You're not leaving this room" Garmadon said protectively. "Why?" The cameraman asked as he tried to find ways to leave the room. "You may be able to get past me with your lies but you look like you haven't slept at all" The oni said desperately wanting Vinny to get some sleep.

"I'm not lying! And who's to say I haven't gotten any sleep?!" The cameraman responded starting to get protective of himself. "Yes you are! You've been hiding things from me and think I wouldn't notice!" Garmadon responded his tone sad and filled with worry. "Can I not keep things to myself every now and again!?" Vinny responded angrily, he body tensed up.

"Not when it's impacting you physically and mentally!" Garmadon responded, this pissed Vinny off and he looked at him, "You're not normally like this...I know you..." He added sadly.


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