Chapter 27

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Vinny stayed sitting up in bed, not being able to go back to sleep how could he? Some weird figure that's he's never seen was in here watching him sleep and probably the reason for that awful nightmare. The cameraman reached for a bottle of water and drank from it. He stood up and wobbled slightly before going over to the bathroom. Vinny stared at the mirror and washed his face, "It wasn't real....then who was that...?" he thought as he looked down at the sink his hands holding onto both sides of it.

"Should I tell someone....? I can't tell Garm...he'd freak out....Nya? No....she'd tell Lloyd and I don't want that...." Vinny said as he splashed water over his face a second time. An idea popped in his head, "Wu! He'd probably know what to do....he won't tell anyone.....hopefully..." Vinny said before realising something, "Where's all the's the only 6pm and how didn't they see that person come in....the again it did just disappear as well..." Vinny said as he continued talking to himself.

"Holy shit...I really have lost it haven't I....I'm probably seeing things....I'm just tired.....but I don't want to go to sleep..." Vinny said as he looked back at the mirror. He jumped back in surprise, to his surprise he reflection was looking back smiling it's eyes were a different colour they were now dark red..... Vinny grabbed a toothbrush to try and defend himself even though it would do nothing. "Are you scared~?" The reflection said as it grabbed the toothbrush from Vinny. the cameraman was really shaken up.

"You-You're not real.." Vinny whimpered out fearfully. "Yes I am...I'm as real as you, as Lloyd, as Nya as all the ninja and I'm as real as Garmadon~ He's real isn't he~ actually here's a bigger question! Are you real~!" The reflection asked Vinny stumbled back, "Y-yes...what kind of dumb question is that!? If anyone no, anything isn't real it's you!" Vinny said in a panicky tone before quieting his tone since Garmadon was sleeping.

The reflection smirked, "No need to worry about waking your boyfriend~ He won't be able to hear you~" the reflection teased as if swung the toothbrush around, "I don't know what you are....but are you even real?" Vinny asked, the reflection turned to him and smirked, "Of course I am~!" the reflection said as it stuck its head out of the mirror and grabbed Vinny by the collar. Vinny tired pulling away, but couldn't, "Even if you are real you're not me!" Vinny hissed as he dug his nails into the 'things' hands causing it to flinch its hands back.

The room changed colour from a blue and white scheme to a dark red and black scheme as the reflection climbed out of the mirror. "You know...I really thought this was gonna be easy...but he was right you really are smarter than you look~ Let me help you" The reflection spoke out as it went closer to Vinny and grabbed his cheeks making him look at it. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" the cameraman hissed. Trying to pry free of its grip, "Wow so much more aggressive as well, all bark not bite~" The reflection teased.

"Y'know....I saw the way you looked when you found out Misako upset Garmadon....I know you can kill....say how about we go after Lloyd and Nya~!" The reflection teased before summoning a dagger from thin air and placing it in Vinnys' hands. The cameraman looked at his hands and tightened the grip on the dagger. "What about your little boyfriend~ Well he isn't exactly little he's like twice your size, but, why don't I go hurt him...make him feel miserable...make him feel like he really hasn't changed and is still just a monster!" The reflection shouted before getting stabbed in the stomach by Vinny.

"Heh...good...perfect just what I wanted.." The reflection said before taking the dagger out which was covered in blood. "And wow did you stab hard...." it said as it twirled the dagger around, poor Vinny was so tired and sick of this. "Like I said before he was right about you being smarter...and more aggressive than you look..." the reflection chuckled before disappearing into thin air.

"What the fuck...?" Vinny said as the room returned to it's original blue and white colour scheme. "Who was that...who the fuck were they talking about..?" Vinny said as he began panicking and left the bathroom. "Fuck...all in my head..." the cameraman said as he sat back down on the bed.

"If it's all in my head why'd he know so much...." Vinny thought as he rested his face in his hands

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