Chapter 8

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Garmadon woke up to a knock on the bedroom door he was honestly top tired to get up and answer it so he just stayed there and he would probably wake Vinny up if he tried moving. Garmadon lied in bed as the knocking continued. Eventually the knocking stopped and the door opened slightly, it was Zane. The ice ninja stared at him, "My apologies for waking you up, but I came to inform you that breakfast is ready"Zane said. Garmadon nodded and with that Zane left.

He sat up the turned to Vinny who was still fast asleep, Garmadon gently nudged Vinny trying to wake him up, this just caused him to roll over and pull the blanket over his head. "Vinny..wake up...aren't you hungry~?"Garmadon said out in a soothing tone. ""Vinny mumbled causing the larger to sigh out. "Alright...I'm hungry so I'll eat then come back okay?"Garmadon said out in defeat. Vinny sat up then gave his lover a kiss before retreating back into the abyss of blankets. Garmadon chuckled before getting up and going to eat.

"Nice of you to join us brother"Wu said as his brother sat down. "Where's Vinny?"Kai asked curious as to where he was, "He's sleeping, tried waking him up but he ignored me"Garmadon replied, he wouldn't have responded if it wasn't a question about Vinny and he was honestly in a good mood. "Still sleeping?Wow, that's surprising, I thought he fell asleep while Lloyd was in the middle of training and he's still tired I wish we could do that"Jay laughed, Garmadon stared at him for a moment, "Usually when he doesn't go to work he wakes up at 2 in the afternoon and tries to get as much sleep"He continued, the others stared at Garmadon surprisingly, "Wow he's lucky, Master Wu would never let us sleep for that long"Cole said causing Wu to sigh While Lloyd was contemplating his life choices and how well his father gets along with Vinny.

The whole time they ate was making jokes or asking Garmadon questions which most had answers and others didn't. "I think it is best you take some food for Vinny when you go back" Zane said to Garmadon which Wu agreed to. Garmadon finished eating then went back to Vinny with a plate of whatever food. He carefully walked in and gave Christofern a splash of water then sat on the bed. "Vinny..l got some food for you to eat"Garmadon spoke calmly. Vinny carefully peeked from under the covers, "I told you I wasn't hungry?"Vinny replied, Garmadon nodded, "Isn't better to eat now and sleep more?"The larger responded even though he knew the smaller was hungry and was just too tired to get up. Vinny sat up then smiled at Garmadon before giving him another soft kiss. "I'm pretty sure the ninja like you, they were quite curious to where you were"the larger spoke to Vinny as he ate. "I told them how you like waking up late when you don't have work and honestly they asked a bunch of questions it was overwhelming"he continued earning a soft giggle from Vinny.

Garmadon continued to tell Vinny about what the others were asking and how it was. The smaller eventually finished eating then sat on the largers' lap before showering him in kisses. This made Garmadons' cheeks bright purple as he blushed. "Stop it.."Garmadon mumbled out embarrassingly. "Aww why should I? I love it when you're embarrassed"Vinny giggled out causing Garmadon to hide his face in Vinnys' chest. "I'm sorry am I interrupting something...?"Nya said as she was standing at the door. The two immediately turned toward her both of them blushing harshly. "Y-you saw nothing!"Vinny stuttered out earning a chuckle, "Relax I could've sworn there was something going on between you two than just being roommates and relax I won't tell anyone" Nya laughed grabbing the empty plate from the bedside table. "You two do make a good couple"she added smiling at the two well mostly Vinny because Garmadon had his face hidden in Vinnys' chest again. "I-is it really that obvious?"Vinny stuttered out embarrassingly, Nya nodded, "If anyone has caught on its probably Zane or Master Wu they probably just don't talk about"She said, "And anyway I was gonna tell you that Master Wu wanted to speak with Garmadon and Vinny I have so many questions for as long as it's okay with you"Nya said which Vinny nodded to. "Bye"She said as she left.

"That was so embarrassing.."Vinny said to Garmadon staring down as him. "Yes...yes it was..."He responded. "Relax she said she wasn't telling anyone and I trust her enough"Vinny said comforting his lover. "Anyway you should go see your brother"Vinny said as Garmadon got up placing a kiss on Vinnys' forehead before leaving.

(Not my best work but it'll do hope you guys enjoyed)

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