Chapter 29

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"What seems to be the problem? Did something happen between my brother? Or are you hurt?" Wu asked as he sat down in front of Vinny. "N-No...none of this has to do with Garmadon, I lied to him as to why I wanted to come here" The cameraman said guilt present in his tone of voice. Wu looked at him worriedly, "Really and what's the lie that you told him?" he asked, Vinny looked down.

"I sometimes itch my hand when I'm nervous or upset I was walking here with him and he noticed it, he asked me about it and I told him that I came to you to see if you have something for it and now he's waiting outside and I feel horrible" Vinny said out in breathe, Wu looked at him surprisingly, "Well you probably have a really good reason" He spoke out trying to make Vinny feel better.

"Yea..." Vinny said as he remembered why he was here and itched his hand because I decided he itched his hand when he's nervous. "I'm here to listen and help you with whatever's troubling you" Wu spoke out, Vinny smiled at him and looked at the ground.

"When me and Garm were resting I had a nightmare....I was trapped somewhere, at first I thought it was real, four walls one of them had a key hole" Vinny spoke out as Wu followed, "I kept shouting out for help, but no one there eventually a weird key appeared in front of me and then disintegrated, I continued to shout and the place began collapsing then I woke up...a-and t-then...." Vinny thought of the figure and went silent.

"Is everything alright? You can skip this if you want" Wu said trying to comfort Vinny, but he shook his head, "N-no this is the whole reason I'm here....I sat up and there was this figure they were wearing a black and red robe along with a mask that looked like a bird, I didn't recognise them, but they said I'm smarter than they thought their voice was distorted and then-" Vinny was cut off by Wu who looked absolutely confused.

"A figure wearing a black and red robe wearing a mask with a distorted voice?" Wu said out confusingly, Vinny nodded, "That's not even the weirdest of it!" The cameraman spoke out as he rested his head in the palms of his hands. Wu looked shocked, "I-I will ask questions at the end, continue" he said to Vinny who nodded.

"Well I was like 'what the fuck' so I drank some water and went to wash my face, I washed my face and looked down at the sink reassuring myself that I was tired and when I looked up, my reflection was smiling at me, but it had red eyes so I obviously grabbed the nearest thing and that was a fucking toothbrush because I panicked, the reflection asked me if I was scared then I kept saying it wasn't real but it said it was real and then it tried giving me and existential crisis by asking me if I was real" Vinny spoke out before taking a deep breathe, (Most of this is dialogue)

"And it kept saying it would go after everyone like Garmadon, Lloyd and Nya and it brought up Misako knowing how she upset Garmadon and that I'm all bark but no bite! The bathroom changed from blue and white to red and black and then the fucking reflection came out of the mirror and grabbed me before it left it mentioned someone else saying that 'he was right about you being smarter...and more aggressive than you look' did I forget to mention it knows about me and Garmadon dating" Vinny finally finished and took deep breathes.

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