Chapter 5

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The group of four left the apartment as soon as Vinny packed his things, if he was gonna stay there for a while he'll need some clothes. Vinny luckily managed to get out of work mainly because Garmadon yelled at the guy on the phone. The only thing Garmadon took was Christofern which pissed off Lloyd.

"So Vinny back to my question" Lloyd said as they started walking to the monastery. Vinny turned red, "What question?" Garmadon asked oblivious as he was asleep when the question was asked. Wu bonked Lloyd on the head with his staff, earning a pained groan. "What was that for?"Lloyd asked and he put his hands on his head. Wu let out a sigh, "Questions such as that are for later not now" Wu responded obviously noticing Vinnys' face turning a bright red and using his staff to point towards him. It took Lloyd a moment to realise what he meant but when he it was quite obvious, because his eyes widened the he immediately stared towards Vinny and his father.

"I'm still curious what's the question? Vinny do you know the question?" Garmadon asked turning to Vinny. Wu let out a sigh, "It is best that we continue walking otherwise we'll be here all day" Wu said. "Y-yea we should get going"Vinny said out in an awkward laughing tone as he tried his best to shake off the question. Sure the two literally confessed their love for each other yesterday he still found it a pretty embarrassing this to talk about especially with 2 people that haven't got a clue about their relationship.

Garmadon let out a sigh then continued walking along with the other 3. "Brother you and Vinny don't mind sharing a room as there isn't that many rooms for the two of you. "I don't mind it isn't that much different from the apartment" Garmadon replied. Lloyd stared at his father realising what he meant, "Wait wait wait, you two share a bed??"Lloyd asked he was flabbergasted at the thought of those two sharing a bed. Vinny nodded, "Vinny wouldn't let me sleep on the couch and I wouldn't let him sleep on the couch so we both agreed on sharing a bed" Garmadon said.

"Well that is quite a shock to hear that you would share a bed" Wu said as they all kept walking. "Honestly I had to sew 2 blankets together just so he could have his entire body covered" Vinny chuckled out. Garmadon stared at Vinny before saying, "I did not tell you to do that you did just did that out of kindness".

"Here we are" Lloyd said out in a sigh of relief glad to be home. Vinny looked up at the stairs, "I'm not walking up all that.."Vinny said."That's why we installed an elevator" Lloyd said as he went towards the elevator. Vinny let out a sigh of relief and went in the elevator along with the others.

"Brother you should try your best to teach Lloyd properly and Lloyd will listen"Wu said he didn't want a repeat of last time."Very well I'll try as long as Lloyd listens" Garmadon responded. It took a few minutes to reach the top of the monastery but finally they made it up. "Lloyd go tell the others that these two are staying with us I'll take them to their room" Wu said as to which Lloyd obeyed.

Wu led the two towards their room and opened the door, the wall and a bit of a space theme there was small stars on the wall painted, there was two closets, a draw, a desk with a chair, a bedside table and there was a king sized bed(they deserve the best)which Vinny immediately jumped on, they took their shoes off outside. "I love this bed" Vinny giggled out loudly as he snuggled into the bed. Garmadon stared at Vinny and a small smile appeared on his face along with his cheeks having being covered with blush, Wu noticed this and smirked.

"Brother may I speak with you for a moment while Vinny unpacks?" Wu asked, Vinny nod nodded as he signalled his lover to place Christofern on the table next to him which the he obviously listened. Vinny gave Garmadon a thumbs up as he left the room closing the door. "What did you want to tell me?" Garmadon asked his brother. Wu walked a little bit far from the room, his brother following, as he didn't want Vinny to hear him. "What do you think of Vinny?"Wu asked it was just like Lloyd said but with more meaning Lloyd wanted to know if Vinny thought Garmadon was a monster while Wu wanted to know if he actually liked Vinny.

Garmadons' face lit up with bright purple blush but he attempted to hide it, "I don't understand" Garmadon asked trying his best to act oblivious, "I've seen the way you look at him brother you were smiling before that is something I've barely seen you do"Wu replied. There was no answer what was he meant to say to his brother just fully on tell him the events of yesterday?Hell no he wasn't going to do that, Wu would never stop bettering him about it.

"It's alright if you do not feel like telling me, but you can always ask for help"Wu said as he left his brother be. Garmadon let out a sigh, "Is it really that obvious?"He thought to himself before going back to his room where Vinny was laying on the bed waiting for him. "Hey Garm! Isn't this place great, I mean look at how big this bed is it's bigger than me?" Vinny said out happily as he did a star pose showing how his limbs didn't even reach the corners. Garmadon let out a chuckle before he kneeled down and gently kissed Vinnys' head. This sudden affection made Vinny turn a bright red as he rolled over onto his stomach and shoved his face into the bed.

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