Chapter 41

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Vinny sat there for 5 minutes more till finally getting up, the blade Rida gave him had a cover so he kept that on and slid it into his pocket. "I should avoid Garmadon..." The cameraman thought to himself as he exited the room and began walking around. Vinny wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings that he walked pass Lloyd. "Hey Vinny" The green ninja said out catching his attention.

The cameraman turned his attention to Lloyd and smiled friendly, he was tired but didn't want to show it much and the two cups of coffee helped. "You feeling okay? You looked really tired when I saw you before" Lloyd asked curiously, "Hah...yea just didn't get much sleep last night" Vinny responded before stretching. "Do you know...what's up with my dad? I saw him before and he looked...well sad? And I'm off to go train with him now" The green ninja said.

Vinny instantly tensed, hearing Garmadon mentioned hurt him, he felt terrible for what we yelled at him, but he had to keep him safe. "Umm...n-no...we talked before and he left" Vinny lied as he slid his hands into his pockets and began fidgeting with the blade sheath taking it off and putting it back on. "Not that I know seem in a better mood than before it was probably your two cups of coffee" Lloyd chuckled out.

"Yea probably is was thinking about having another cup" Vinny replied, "Really? I drink coffee and so does the others but no one ever drinks that much, last time we drank two cups and we all stayed up for hours! Jay was so jittery and almost electrocuted us!" Lloyd laughed out in surprise. "Only two!? Geez I could drink four and still be dead as hell" Vinny responded surprisingly.

"You're probably used to it then" Lloyd responded after he finished laughing. " tomorrow I have to go back to work...the guy taking my place was hurt so I have to go if I wanna keep my job" Vinny said awkwardly obviously lying but he was taking Ridas' advice about having some alone time. "Really? That's just'll come back right?" Lloyd responded his voice sounding a bit sadder. "Yea of course" Vinny said.

"Does my dad know?" Lloyd asked, " Can you tell him please?" Vinny asked desperately, the green ninja looked at him curiously, "I guess I can...but why can't you?" Lloyd asked, "No reason...thanks bye!" Vinny responded before quickly hurrying off leaving Lloyd really, really confused.

Vinny continued walking before deciding to go outside, when he went out he saw most of the ninja except Lloyd training there. "Hey Vinny!" Nya called out before dodging an attack from Jay and very 'gently' throwing him to the ground. "Hey" Vinny responded before grimacing at the way Nya threw Jay to the ground. Nya helped Jay up and kissed his forehead, "Sorry about that" She said to the lightning ninja.

"Haha...feeling better? You looked really...sleep deprived" Jay said out with an awkward chuckle, this question made Nya sigh out. "O-Oh yea I'm fine, just needed a cup of coffee" Vinny responded with a smile, Jay looked at him knowing very well how coffee affected himself on top of that Vinny still had black circles under his eyes, it wasn't even subtle you'd be able to spot it from a mile away.

Vinny slid his hands back in his pocket and fidgeted with the blade again, it was relaxing and distracted him. "Do you wanna watch us train!?" Kai called out from further away, Nya and Jay looked at Vinny wanting to know an answer, "Umm...sure, why not? I don't have anything better to do" The cameraman responded receiving a thumbs up from Kai. "Okay, since you're watching you should sit over there because some us send things in random directions" Nya said before clearly looking at Jay who looked away embarrassingly, "Sorry" The lightning ninja chuckled out. Vinny nodded and sat over to where Nya told him, the cameraman could tell that when they started sparring again they were being much more careful. 

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