Chapter 46

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Wu and Vinny made it to the library and they both sat down, "I would like to know what's happened between you and my brother" Wu said as he pour tea because he can't have a conversation without tea. "Me and Garmadon? N-nothing's happened between us" Vinny replied nervously as he avoided eye contact and itched his hand. Wu let out a sigh, "You don't have to tell me, but don't lie about it, it's very obvious something happened and when I was talking to him he mentioned that some words were exchanged between you two" Wu added as he sipped tea.

The cameraman looked like he was going to say something but instead went quiet and looked at the ground. "As I said...we don't have to talk about it, but I have another question" Wu said in a comforting tone. Hearing this caught Vinnys' attention and he looked at Wu. "It's about that...shadow thing...has it appeared lately?" Wu asked curiously, hearing this instantly made Vinny go could and his tense up. He wasn't ready to answer questions about Enji, he hardly knew him and all he's done so far is give him trauma and ruin his relationship with Garmadon. "Is everything alright?" Wu asked noticing the cameramans' tense stature.

"Hmm..? Yea, I'm fine the shadow thing hasn't appeared again, I just think I was hallucinating things at that point" Vinny lied not wanting to talk about Enji and how would be eve start talking about Rida. "Interesting...there is a chance you were hallucinating or maybe...a dream in a dream?" Wu suggested not catching onto the lie. "Yea it probably was...I've had dreams like that before" the cameraman lied again.

Wu looked back a Vinny and observed him, his eyes ended up landing on the bandage on his hand that was stabbed by Enji. "What happened to your hand?" Wu asked his voice tainted with slight worry. "O-Oh I just got cut by a razor, it's getting better and honestly I like the way the bandages feel on my hands" Vinny said, adding another lie. "A razor...this morning you were in quite a...mood...did you get any sleep last night?" Wu asked changing the topic. "Yea I slept" Vinny replied, it wasn't really a lie he did get sleep just not a lot of it.

" can go now" Wu said calmly resisting the urge to ask something, the cameraman nodded and got up and left. he quickly paced towards his room not wanting to talk to anyone else. Vinny made it to his room and slumped on the bed. He had his faced planted into the bed and groaned before hearing footsteps. The cameraman thought the worse, "Enji if you're here just come out" Vinny groaned, a soft chuckle was heard as not Enji, but Rida instead emerged from a dark corner.

"O-Oh umm...Rida..." Vinny said out awkwardly.

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