Chapter 3

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Vinny stared at Garmadon trying to think how to explain the situation to him. This didn't go unnoticed though, "Take your time I can wait" the larger spoke. The smaller looked down before he shoved his face into Garmadons' chest and whimpered out in a small voice ,"g-god Garm, why must you be so p-persistent....". This caused the larger to let out a sigh and place his hand on Vinnys' head.

Vinny looked up from the larger not expecting him to do this. Garmadon then began gently stroking Vinnys' head in this comforting way. "Vinny...please I want to help, I can't stand seeing you like this..."the larger said. "I-it's just work Gayle told me I had to come in on Sunday which is usually my free d-day, a-and t-t-then....."Vinny whimpered out slowly beginning to panic at the thought of everything, Garmadon easily noticed this as the smaller began hyperventilating.

"A-and I still have l-like 5 f-fucking essays I n-need to write...I-I...l..."the smaller was going to continue talking, but at that point he had tears flowing down his face while breathing extremely heavily and quickly causing Garmadon to worry quite a lot.

The larger grabbed that smallers' hand then quickly summoned his other two hand the cupped the smallers' face, "Shh...calm down look at me and breathe...."the larger assured the smaller.

Vinnys' hands were shaking rapidly. "It's alright, it's fine" Garmadon reassured Vinny as his breathing began to slow down.Vinny then rested his head on Garmadons' shoulder and began quietly sobbing, "I-it's just g-gets so o-overwhelming Garm...I don't know what t-to do..."He whimpered out.

Garmadon let out a sigh and started stroking the smallers' head again. "I know, I have a tough job you need a break"The larger said grabbing the smallers' hand and gently kissing it all over.

Vinny turned this bright red, but Garamond couldn't see as his head was resting on Garmadons' shoulder. "You should've told me sooner that's too much stress for you to hide, I'll always listen to you, alright?"Garmadon said, his voice was so calm and comforting Vinny loved it.

"A-alright.."Vinny replied. Garmadon gently grabbed Vinnys' face off his shoulder and cupped them again because he like doing it. Vinnys' eyes were a little puffy from crying. Garmadons' eyes trailed from Vinnys' eyes down to his lips. The Oni warlord felt his heart flutter at the thought of kissing the smaller"You're beautiful, you know that..." Garmadon spoke out. He stared at Vinny who then turned this bright red. "I-I am..?"he stuttered out surprisingly.

"'re so beautiful and....I-I...."Garmadon couldn't finish that sentence he just couldn't, he really did love Vinny, but he had no idea whether that feeling was mutual at all. Everything would be awkward if it wasn't mutual. "You what..?"Vinny asked curiously.

"I-I..."Garmadon wasn't gonna say he loved him he then grabbed Vinnys' face and pulled him into a kiss. Vinnys' eyes widened and soon he fell into the kiss. It was a passionate kiss and they both felt their hearts skip a beat, but they had to part for air.

Vinny was breathing heavily trying to catch his breathe while Garmadon was sitting there trying to comprehend if Vinny liked it or not. "H-holy shit...w-wow i...don't know what to say w-what was that f-for...?" Vinny stuttered out truely embarrassed at the fact the dark lord just kissed him.

"I thought it was pretty obvious..."Garmadon held Vinnys' hand "I love you Vinny Folson.."Garmadon spoke. Vinny turned an even brighter red. "W-wait... you're not l-lying right?"Vinny stuttered out. "We did just kiss.." Garmadon replied "W-well If that's the case then...I love you too..."Vinny said looking away embarrassingly.

"What does this mean for us then..?"Garmadon asked. Vinny stared at him for a moment. "Well...what do you want it mean..?"Vinny replied. " I guess.... I wanna be with you.."Garmadon said. Vinny let out a chuckle. "So boyfriends then?"Vinny asked embarrassingly ""Garmadon said.

Vinny smiled then gave Garmadon a soft kiss on his mouth. Garmadon blushed, he was caught off guard. "You shouldn't go to work next week.."Garmadon said. "A-are you s-sure?"Vinny stuttered. "You need a break and plus I wanna hang out with you..."Garmadon replied. "Alright, if you say so"Vinny chuckled.

"I love you so much...I always have..."Garmadon said nuzzling Vinnys' neck. "I love you too you oversized cat..."Vinny giggled out. "Oversized cat...?"Garmadon said out curiously. "You remind of a cat you seem dangerous but when someone gets to know you you're an absolute sweetheart, and plus you purr and when I scratch under your chin so you're like a lion"

"I guess that makes you my lioness~"Garmadon said out in a teasing tone. Vinny blushed then laughed out, "I guess you're right". It was quiet for a moment, "You should sleep"Garmadon said. "Yea I should, let's snuggle!"Vinny joyfully spoke. "Sure" the larger replied. The two got comfortable the fell asleep snuggling eachother.

(Holy shit that love confession was terrible but so good)( fuck that was so funny nah bro I love at how terrible this is yet I love it so much)

(I'm free to ideas and story suggestions)

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