Chapter 22

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The two began eating their pancakes and honestly they were both starving due to last nights events*cough cough*. Vinny surprisingly finished eating first. "That was delicious" Vinny said out as he melted in Garmadons' arms. He could barely keep himself up and had no strength. Seeing this the oni let out a soft chuckle before kissing his lovers' forehead earning a soft giggle from him.

"I feel like absolute shit right now" Vinny said as he rested his head on Garmadons' chest as he ate. "Sorry...too much last night..."The oni said feeling guilty again. "'s not your fault it felt amazing of course it's gonna have some consequences" Vinny said as he rolled over and face planted into the bed. Garmadon smiled before continuing to eat and after 5 more minutes he finished eating. "Well I'm done...why don't we put that cream on you?" The oni asked as he read the tube. "Yea I guess...anything to make me feel somewhat better" Vinny said as he took of his shirt and pants, don't worry he's wearing boxers underneath he isn't butt naked.

"So do I just put it on you? Like a normal cream?" Garmadon asked staring at Vinny curiously, "Yea then just rub it in...but can you be a little gentle my body hurts" The smaller replied as he lied down on the bed. "Of course I don't want to hurt you" Garmadon responded and he put a blob of cream on his hand, the oni began carefully massaging the cream onto Vinnys' upper torso being mindful of his lovers' sore body. Vinny flinched when Garmadons' hands made contact with his body it just caught him off guard, but the oni still apologised for doing literally nothing.

"You okay?" Garmadon asked as he continued applying the cream, Vinny held up a thumbs up he was honestly really comfortable at the moment. Eventually the oni finished with the upper torso so now it was for his legs which were way more sensitive. "I'm going to start on your legs now" the oni said earning another thumbs up from Vinny. Garmadon began with the legs carefully putting the cream on him not wanting to hurt him, but Vinnys' legs hurt way more than his upper torso so he flinched and hid his face in a pillow trying to ignore the pain(our precious baby😢) Garmadon instantly stopped when he could tell the pain was a bit too much, but he whispered comforting things into Vinnys' ear as he continued more carefully.

Eventually after about 20minutes of this they finally finished and yes it did take him that long to finish. "I'm done...are you feeling alright?" Garmadon asked worriedly, "Y-yea.." Vinny replied as he rolled onto his back, "Thanks" the smaller added. There was an awkward silence that went on for 4minutes. "Nya might come to talk to me should go hang out with your brother or son" Vinny said as he broke the awkward silence between them. "Are you s-" Garmadon was cut off, "Yes I am..." Vinny said cutting Garmadon off. The oni nodded, "Let me...stay here for a little longer...I don't want to leave you just yet..." Garmadon said as he nuzzled Vinnys' neck making him chuckle out before he put on his pants.

After 10 minutes Nya came in, "Sorry am I interrupting something I can come back later" Nya said as she realised the two snuggling against each other. "Hmm? No I was going to leave soon" Garmadon said as he kissed Vinnys' forehead and said goodbye then left. "Did something happen between you two?" The water ninja asked worriedly as she closed the door. "What? No why would you think that? I just told him to go talk to his brother he looks like he needs to talk to someone other than me" Vinny said as he put on his shirt. "You did? He might take it that you're angry at him and need a little space" Nya said as before sitting on the bed.

Vinny stared at her, "I mean...I know he can take things the wrong way...but I doubt he would be thinking I'm mad at him..." Vinny said worriedly. "Maybe but Jay used to think I was angry when I told him to talk to someone else" Nya said earning a nod form Vinny, "I'll tell him when he comes back" he said, " how you doing?" Nya asked wanting to know everything....not the actual sex bit or little details or any weird details at all they're just gossip buddies now.

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