Chapter 43

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(With Lloyd, Garmadon and Wu) When Lloyd went down the elevator he couldn't quite shake the feeling that something did happen between his dad and Vinny. Who could blame him? The cameraman was acting really weird today. "Ah, Lloyd nice of you to join us" Wu said once he saw his nephew come in, he was clearly talking about the green ninja taking a while to come here. "Hah sorry, just talking to Vinny about something" Lloyd responded as he went over to the two brothers.

Hearing Vinnys' name made Garmadon tense, they had a fight one hour prior and words were exchanged between the two. "Is he better than earlier?" Wu asked clearly referencing how exhausted Vinny looked in the morning. "Yea...he still looks tired but he's more energetic, and he wanted me to tell you something dad" Lloyd replied before turning his attention over to his father. Garmadon instantly looked at his son curiously, guess Vinny really was going to avoid him. "He wanted to me to tell you that he has to start going back to work, the guy taking his place was injured...don't know why he couldn't tell you himself" Lloyd said.

The oni was suspicious about that, it could be very well true but...Vinny might just want to avoid him and have some space. "Very well....probably knew I wouldn't let him go" Garmadon responded sort of lying with the last part, he would try to prevent Vinny from going but would fail. "Did you find out why he looked so sleep deprived?" Lloyd asked, "Barely had any sleep" Garmadon responded as it was an obvious answer but....he didn't want to concern anyone.

"Interesting...well let us begin, I'm sure Lloyd doesn't want to be here all day" Wu said earning a nod from Lloyd. The oni nodded in response he really didn't want to be thinking about Vinny at the moment but he was all he could really think about at the moment. He was concerned about his physical, mental and emotional well being and you can't really blame him. Garmadon managed to shift his focus back to his son and attempted to teach him how to use his powers and not lose control while in his oni form.

They were at this for around 10 minutes till Garmadon began getting lost in his thought again and honestly is wasn't subtle it was obvious he was thinking about something else. "Brother are you feeling alright? You keep getting distracted" Wu asked worriedly thinking something was wrong with his brother. "Hmm? No...No just have a lot on my mind" the oni responded knowing very well if he attempted to lie it would be spotted from a mile away.

"Then maybe we should skip the lesson today" Wu responded, "Fine by me!" Lloyd said happily wanting to go hang out with his friends. Garmadon hesitantly nodded, he knew Wu had a point. Seeing this the green ninja instantly left, and just as the oni was going to leave Wu stopped him. "What seems to be bothering you?" Wu asked his brother curiously, "Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind" The oni responded not wanting to tell his brother about the fight he had with Vinny. "Clearly...but I haven't seen you this tense and distracted in a while, have you told Vinny?" Wu replied as he used his staff to point out Garmadons' tense shoulders. Hearing the mention of Vinny made the oni tense up more, and Wu obviously realised it.

"Oh...I's about him isn't it?" Wu asked his brother, who seemed very hesitant before nodding. "Has he told you about having to leave for work...or...?" Wu asked curiously but cautiously not wanting to over step his boundaries. "We...we just got into a fight....words were exchanged..." Garmadon simply replied as he avoided eye contact with his brother. "Ah, I see...if you're comfortable maybe later you could tell me some of the things said?" Wu asked, "I-I'll...think about it..." The oni responded before leaving.

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