Chapter 40

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"I instructed you to go keep an eye on him...not to harm him again..." Rida spoke out, his voice sounded distorted and he was speaking fairly calm. "S-sorry..." Enji replied as he stood up straight, Rida looked down at Vinny who was on the floor slowly backing away from the two. The masked figure let out a sigh clearly noticing Vinnys' lack of sleep and puffy eyes from crying. "Don't do it again...unless I tell you..." Rida said as he looked back at Enji who nodded in response. Vinny looked up at Rida and holy shit was he tall he was like Garmadon, but just a bit shorter.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck...!" Vinny screamed internally as he brought his knees to his chest. "Enji give me the blade..." Rida instructed which the black haired menace obeyed instantly giving him the blade he was harming Vinny with. Rida took the blade and crouched down in front of the shaken cameraman who tried to squirm away. "I won't harm you..." The masked figure spoke, his voice was oddly calming yet....unnerving...

Vinny was still tense but stopped trying to get away, "What do you two want with me...?" he asked his voice breaking slightly as he held back tears, he's had so much things happen in the span of less than a week he was tired and sick of this. "Nothing too won't be telling us anything about it anytime soon..." Rida replied calmly as he placed the blade down in front of Vinny, that was the first time he had a clear view of the blade, it was made with a black crystal which had black spots to it through it and the handle was wrapped in what looked like leather. "It's quite a beautiful dagger, isn't it?" Rida asked breaking the silence.

Vinny hesitantly nodded, he didn't like how friendly Rida was being, it was unnerving and gave Vinny mixed feelings about how to feel about the guy. "It's made out of red obsidian" The masked figure spoke out as he reached out for Vinnys' hand. The cameraman flinched away when Rida attempted to grab his hand which was wrapped in a bandage, it was weird enough he just met the guy but the bird mask was quite intimidating.

Rida could tell Vinny was nervous and let out a sigh before taking off the mask. Enji was right about him having his face covered in scars, his hair was dark grey though what caught Vinnys' attention the most was his eyes, he had dark orange eyes. "My mask does tend to intimidate people...though so does my appearance" Rida spoke out. The cameraman looked at him before looking at the bird mask, "W-what bird is that?" he asked curiously, "Ah, it's a phoenix" The orange eyed figure spoke.

Enji was looking down at the two annoyed at the interaction, but he trusted Rida. Rida signalled for Vinny to give him his hand, the cameraman hesitated for a moment before giving it to him. The orange eyed figure picked up the blade and Vinny instantly froze, he was scared to move his hand knowing very well the two of them could kill him. Rida then carefully cut off the bandages and inspected the wounds, The orange eyed figure signalled for Enji to come sit next to him, he was hesitant but sat down, this made Vinny jump slightly he was much more scared of Enji at the moment.

"Fear and pain....are both powerful things...." Rida spoke out as he began cleaning the wound on the cameramans' hand. Enji and Vinny looked at him paying close attention, "Us humans tend to...use it against others....everyone fears something...anyone who says they don't is a fool and liar..." He continued, Vinny was really curious, he knew there was some truth behind those words. "People use force people into obeying, otherwise.....they'll get hurt" Rida added before squeezing Vinnys' hand tightly as he said the last part, this hurt Vinny and caused him to attempt to jerk his hand away.

"Tell someone what you fear....and it will be used against you and you will become nothing but a weapon and object to them" the orange eye figure added as he grabbed Vinnys' hand and began wrapping it with bandages. "We all fear tell me...what do you fear?" Rida asked as his eyes glowed slightly. Vinny was uneasy, he didn't to answer him but he felt like he had to. "I can tell you are uneasy, I'll go first then you" Rida spoke out, Vinny hesitantly nodded.

"I fear...the ocean, being forgotten and loud noises..." Rida spoke calmly before looking over to Enji who seemed very curious as to why Rida was saying all this, Vinny was really curious about all this, he expected her to have fears but he didn't expect him to tell him. "Your turn..." Rida said calmly to Vinny, "I-I fear being trapped, being...left alone, being useless, h-hurting the one I l-love...l-losing the ones I l-love..." Vinnys' voiced broke slightly as he began thinking about Garmadon and how much he upset him.

Rida looked at him then at Enji, "You can go now..." Rida whispered to Enji who listened happily and left instantly. "Now then...that fight you got into with him was quite upsetting?" The orange eyed figure asked as he gently lifted up Vinnys' chin. The cameraman nodded, "I-I didn't mean t-to upset him, Enji s-said I can't tell anyone!" Vinny said as tears welled in his eyes. Rida nodded, "No one ever means to hurt the ones they love....and certainly not you, right?" Rida asked, Vinny nodded.

"Good...avoid them all..." Rida simply said, "W-what?" Vinny replied not knowing what he meant, "You need some space to breathe and think you also need to get some sleep because running on two hours of sleep isn't easy is it?" Rida responded quickly, "I-I....guess you're r-right..." Vinny responded, " have to go for work then just do what you want for the day" Rida added earning another nod from Vinny, "You both need some space from each other" The orange eyed figure spoke.

"'re right..." The cameraman responded as he looked at the ground, "Now then...this is yours then..." Rida said as he put the dagger in Vinnys' hand and closed it. "I'll see you some other time..." Rida said as he put the phoenix mask back on, "O-ok..." Vinny responded, he didn't know why but he trusted Rida so much he was much more tame and sane than Enji, why was Enji so obedient to him then. Rida nodded before standing up and disappeared into thin air.

Vinny looked at the blade and clenched it tightly, "O-okay...I do need some space from him...I'm just tired...never meant to upset him..." Vinny said to himself as he began thinking about Garmadon.

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