Chapter 45

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After Enji left Vinny was worried out of his mind not wanting to be hurt again, he fidgeted with the blade again carefully stroking is against the table not wanting to scar it. "God damnit...I'm such an idiot..." the cameraman mumbled repeatedly. He sat there for awhile as he continued to eat his sandwich. To his surprise Jay, Kai and Cole came in the kitchen. "Hey Vinny" Jay said as he sat at the table, "Hey..." Vinny replied as he avoided eye contact.

"Whatcha doing?" Kai asked as he grabbed a pack of chips and opened it. "Eating" The cameraman responded as he set the blade on the table, before pretty quickly picking it up again. "Uh huh..." The fire ninja replied as he looked at Cole who was eating cake. Vinny continued to eat his sandwich while looking down at the table he wasn't in a good mood he was tired and paranoid.

The thought of Enji harming him was enough but if he so set a finger on the ones Vinny cared about he was getting another punched. The cameraman couldn't careless about Enji harming him, he just wanted the others to be safe....he wanted Garmadon to be safe. "Stupid Enji, never leaves me alone..." Vinny thought as he continued to look down at the table clutching the blade tightly as he rested his head on his hand. The three ninja noticed how the cameraman was acting and didn't say anything they could tell he wasn't in a normal mood and wanted to what would happen if they didn't interrupt.

"Fucking bastard...I'm gonna kill him..." Vinny mumbled out, the three ninja heard the cameraman mumbling but not what he said. " he alright?" Jay whispered to Kai and Cole who shrugged in response. Vinny shut his eyes tightly, "What even is he...?" He mumbled to himself again before getting trapped in a cycle of calling Enji swears and wondering what the fuck he was.

There was silence for 2 minutes as the ninja observed Vinny, "That motherfucker!" Vinny shouted out as he lifted the blade and stabbed the table. "Holy shit..."Jay said out nervously as he sort of moved a little bit away from Vinny. "Hey...umm you okay?" Kai asked the cameraman who jumped slightly forgetting they were here. "O-Oh umm y-yea! I'm fine.." The cameraman responded awkwardly as he took the blade out of the table.

"W-who were you talking about?" Jay asked hesitantly, "Hmm? O-oh! Not any of you, I'm a hundred percent sure you don't even know who he is" Vinny replied as he looked at the table and grimaced, it had a deep cut and the cameraman couldn't stop thinking about how he was stabbed by that. " clearly don't like he from somewhere?" Cole asked as he looked at the table as well. "H-He's just from my work..." Vinny lied as he got up and put the sheath on the blade before shoving it in his pocket.

The group looked at him worriedly but believed him, "Alright can talk to us about it" Kai said earning a nod from Vinny, who grabbed the remainder of his sandwich and left leaving three very confused ninjas wondering if they should tell someone about this.

As Vinny walked out he fidgeted with the knife, because it was sort of relaxing. "How can I talk to someone about this...?" The cameraman thought before being stopped by Wu. "Ah, Vinny I've been meaning to talk to you about a few things" Wu said out once he gained Vinnys' attention. "Y-You have?" The cameraman asked nervously.

Wu nodded and lead Vinny to the library to talk about things.

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