Chapter 26

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The two fell asleep Garmadon faster due to sleeping later. Not long after Vinny began rolling around fearfully. The oni was a heavy sleeper so this didn't wake him up, the cameraman brought his knees to his chest in attempt to comfort himself, he looked like he was having a nightmare. Garmadon had his arms wrapped around Vinny while he slept, but it wasn't as sweet as it seemed to be as Vinny slept.

Here's the thing Vinny had cleithrophobia which is the fear of being trapped (I thought of this on the spot), so his mind took it as being trapped, but that obviously wasn't the case he was just being hugged. He tried to break free of the grip pulling and tugging and pushing but that didn't work, because why would it? He was a simple human being hugged by the son of a god who's way way stronger than him so it was just him feeling trapped. Vinny never had nightmares near Garmadon.

Looking around large walls surrounding him, Vinnys' heart began to pound in his chest. "Where am I...?" He thought continuing to look around. The shaken cameraman put his hand on one of the walls. "Garmadon! Where are you!?" Vinny called out in an attempt hoping this is some joke. "Nya?! Anyone?!" The cameraman said as his voice began to become more scared and shaky. Vinny ran to all four walls trying to break free. "S-Someone, Anyone!? please Let me out!" He called out as his breathing quickened.

Vinny noticed a lock on all the walls. "I'm...trapped...n-no no no no no.........I can't be trapped..." Vinny panicked as he continued trying to break free, the walls, "This isn't real! I-It can't be.....I'm not here..." he whimpered out in fear. The walls all suddenly turned into a jail cell, Vinny was freaking out he hated this, he hated being trapped he hated not being able to do anything.

He wanted to break free, he needed to break free....He was going to break free.....

Vinny rushed around the whole place and felt a little light-headed, and he was breathing heavily as his breathe shortened. "None of this is can't be...!" Vinny yelled as he dropped to his knees. "I'm...not trapped..." Vinny whimpered out as his body tensed. A key.....floating in the air appeared and the shaken cameraman looked at it, Vinny was doubtful about the key and just as he suspected it it disintegrated away. Vinny tensed and stood up,

"None of this is real! This place isn't real! That key wasn't real and these walls aren't real! And I am certainly not in this fucking place!" Vinny shouted again with more confidence.

The place began to shake and the walls crumbled, Vinny tensed and looked up only to be greeted by a rock falling on his head........

Vinny darted to sit up and looked around....he was back in his room with weird walls or keys, Garmadon was still asleep and the cameraman let out a sigh before looking towards the door. There was a figure there....wearing black and red robes and a mask that Vinny couldn't make out what it was, Vinny tensed seeing the figure, while the figure stared at him, "Smarter than I thought....." The figure said in a distorted voice before walking away. Vinny rushed to get up, 'H-Hey wait" The cameraman said as he rushed to go check the hallway but the figure was gone.

"What the fuck...?" Vinny thought as he sat back down on the bed where Garmadon was sound asleep.

(Oh yea and I just dropped a whole lore bomb on you I think you can see where the story is going but I hope you enjoy and Vinny having a fear of being trapped is something I just made up on the spot because I had to do something interesting)

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