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You've already read the disclaimers in my profile, right? Here are a few more things you should know before making a request:

1. I can decline a request for any reason. The most common reason for me to decline is LGBTQIAP+ and/or explicit sexual content, which, as I noted on my profile, I am not comfortable reading. When I make an exception, it's usually because of a failure on my part to check judging requirements or story blurbs and tags, and I won't punish an author to whom I made a promise when I'm the one who made a mistake. But most of the time, I won't read books with such content, so I've put together a list of alternate editing/feedback/review books. Click the "External Link" button below the "Continue to next part" button to go directly to a chapter in my archival book where I've listed all the ones I know, or click the link in the inline comments here. →

2. If I choose to read, please be prepared for constructive criticism. I will not provide a glowing review just to make you feel good. I honestly want to help other authors improve in the same way constructive criticism has helped me to improve, and I will endeavor to provide feedback that I hope will be helpful in as positive a tone as possible. If you don't like what I have to say, please keep in mind that you were the one who approached me.

3. I only vote on chapters/stories I like. And, of course, this is entirely subjective.

4. I have a life outside of Wattpad. While I will endeavor to get to each request as quickly as possible, I can't promise to meet a specific deadline (except for judging awards, of course). Currently, Saturdays are the days I set aside for reading requests and judging, and everything is on a first-come, first-serve basis. I do judging for awards first, since that's on a deadline, and then I go through my request list, starting with 1 and working my way down. I may not get through the entire list in one sitting, especially as it gets longer, but I will do my best with the time I have. Please be patient.

5. I am a scaredy cat with a weak stomach. Gore and horror are not my thing. That being said, I actually own the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe, and I've read Bram Stoker's Dracula and some short stories by Stephen King, so horror is not an automatic "no" for me, especially if it's written in that old, gothic, Edgar Allen Poe style. And thrillers are fine. But no zombies. I hate zombies. And blood turns my stomach - blood transfusions, blood donations, graphic depictions of medical procedures, even healing wounds - I'm getting nauseous just typing about it. I can handle small doses, but frequent, extreme gore is not something I can deal with. Please don't make me vomit or pass out. I'm begging you. :)

6. I have a banned list. My first feedback experience was negative and inspired numbers 1-3 above. I don't like to have a banned list, and I don't want to add anybody else to it, but I will if I have to. It's really easy not to get on it, though. Just be nice. That's all. :)

7. I'm not a poet and I know it. I've dabbled in writing poetry, but it's not my strong suit at all, and I don't feel qualified to provide any help in this area. Sorry. :( 

8. This is all my opinion. You as the author always have the final say in what you want your story to be and how you want to write it, and if you don't agree with something I say, that's fine. As much as I try to give objective feedback, I know that's just not possible, and a lot of this is very subjective. I firmly believe the author is ultimately right, because you created the story, after all.

 I firmly believe the author is ultimately right, because you created the story, after all

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