Bonus 02

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Somewhere in Darjeeling, Buttercup Blooms:
As dusk descended upon Darjeeling, casting a velvety cloak over the bustling streets, the gentle glow of "Buttercup Bloom" illuminated the darkness like a beacon of warmth and tranquility. The shop, nestled amidst the quaint row of buildings, exuded a soft radiance that drew weary souls like moths to a flame.
Inside, the flower shop was a haven of serenity amid the nighttime bustle. Soft lamplight bathed the cosy interior in a golden hue, casting playful shadows across the wooden shelves and floral arrangements. The air was heavy with the sweet fragrance of blooms, mingling with the crisp scent of night air seeping through the open door.
Kavya moved gracefully among the shelves, tidying up the day's displays and tending to the delicate flowers. Each blossom seemed to glow with an ethereal light, their colours deepened by the darkness outside, lending an otherworldly charm to the shop.
As the hour grew late and the last customers bid their farewells, Kavya began the ritual of closing up for the night. With practiced hands, she dimmed the lights, allowing the soft glow of moonlight to filter through the lace curtains and dance upon the polished wooden floor.
Outside, the streets grew quiet as the town settled into a peaceful slumber, but within the walls of "Buttercup Bloom," life continued to thrive. Amidst the floral splendour, Kavya found solace in the stillness of the night, her heart lightened by the beauty that surrounded her.
And as she locked the door behind her, bidding adieu to another day, Kavya couldn't help but smile, knowing that within the walls of her beloved flower shop, magic awaited, ready to bloom anew with the dawn of each new day.
Kavya started walking through the streets, rubbing her hands and hugging herself for the warmth. She gazed upon the moon, which was shining brightly. A smile made its way to her lips. She slowly hummed a melody with a little swing. She continued her walk towards her home, which was after two streets.
Unknown to her, a pair of eyes were watching her secretly, far from her sight; those eyes held a lot of unknown emotions. The car window rolled up and moved away from there. 

Upon reaching her small cottage home, she stood in front of her main door, searched for keys in her tote bag, and found she had opened the lock using the keys. 
"Welcome home," Kavya said to herself with a big smile. She switched on the light switch. Removing her shoes and throwing her tote bag aside, she fell on the bed and mumbled, "Well done, Kavya. Another day passed."
She stayed for ten minutes like that, got up from bed, went to her small bathroom, and freshened up, changing into something warmer.
Kavya went towards the fridge and saw what she had to eat today; she saw yesterday's left-over wheat dough and some crud. She took out the dough and kept it aside at room temperature. By that time, she had taken out the clothes from the washing machine and gone towards the balcony to dry them.
Kavya started making small balls from dough and rolled them flatly—not a perfect circle, but the shape isn't bad either. She turned on the single stove and kept Tava on it to heat it. She made two chapati. She served herself curd, sprinkling a little bit of salt on it. She ate in silence without any company.
After cleaning dishes, she switched off the lights and made herself comfortable on the single bed. She opened a YouTube channel, and the whole feed was posted with flowers. She clicked on a random horticulture video and saw until her eyes were tired. She switched off the phone and stared at the ceiling blankly.
Suddenly a tear slipped from her eyes, remembering how her day used to be surrounded by people to being lonely enough for herself.
Five years ago, instead of going abroad, she chose to stay in India; she just took the bus randomly and came to Darjeeling. At first, she stayed in hotels with her saved money; as he was running out of money, she started finding a job. An old florist, Fathima Muskan, offered her a job, as she was too old to look after the shop. She even offered to stay if she was ready to take up the job. Kavya, who was in need of money and a home, agreed, not knowing a single thing about flowers or planting a tree. But the old Fathima was kind enough to let her teach everything about flowers. She even gave her a room with furnished materials.

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