Chapter 311: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Lizavet gasped in sudden shock. She was with the Treasure Guardian in a cave's chamber deep underground. "This is just as my dream!"

There was a large round stone altar in the middle of a round room with a domed ceiling. The walls were smooth and she heard her own voice echo. On the stone was a spiral with more petroglyphs... the images leading out from the center of the stone.

She looked at the Treasure Guardian. "Why is the stone still blank along the three outer lines of the spiral?"

"See the story for yourself," the Treasure Guardian invited.

Lizavet slowly climbed onto the altar, her hand tracing the spiral. "There was the first man and the first woman... they were deceived by an apkallu who was supposed to be their guardian. He did not love as the creator. And from there horrible things began to happen." She continued tracing the spiral. "But time moved on... humanity forgot how to love and care for each other.... Becoming as corrupt as the apkallu fallen gods that they worshiped."

A strange glow followed her hand along the spiral. "To teach the people how to love and be without fear, the Treasure Guardian made the Seven Swords of Diya and gave them to... the seven shamanesses... who sent the apkallu back... locking them away..."

Her hand froze in the spot. "What is this? Who is this? Why.... ? Why is Korotiy's tattoo here?"

The Treasure Guardian smiled. "Because you, Korotiy, Emily and Indiana Jones are part of this story..."

Lizavet's hand traced the spiral outward. "But there is nothing! Nothing beyond the point where Korotiy's plane crashes and his crew is destroyed by the apkallu!"

"You are missing the most important piece."

Lizavet brushed at the stone and suddenly gasped. There was a petroglyph of a woman with a long braid, dressed in modern battle gear mixed with her native culture, carrying one of the swords. She was jumping through a spiral in defense of a man laying on the ground with an injured arm. The man was unconscious and about to be dragged off by the apkallu. "That is me. I am jumping through the spiral to save him! With the sword!" She traced the spiral further. "The rest is a smooth stone."

"That is because the history has yet to be written."

She looked at the Treasure Guardian. "But do you not know all things?"

The Treasure Guardian chuckled and took her chin. "I know all the possibilities - but I let humanity make their own decisions."

"Then... what about..." Lizavet swallowed. "What about the men who do terrible things?"

"They rot in hell," he replied. "But they make their own choices. Evil isn't on my payroll and I don't need evil to make good things happen."

"Couldn't you stop it?"

"Of course. Of course I can stop evil. But that removes free will and turns you into slaves. And that would make me just like the apkallu."

She stared at him for a long moment, stunned. "If... if you know everything... then... why do I suffer? Why did so many terrible things happen to me?"

"You're asking why the path wasn't easy?"

She nodded.

"And why good and right was not chosen?"

She nodded again.

"And why you were not protected?"

She nodded again.

"Evil chooses to destroy. And you have been hunted by the apkallu for your skills. Today, Lizavet - that ends." The Treasure Guardian paused, watching Lizavet's reaction. "It wasn't anything you did to deserve the abuse. It wasn't that you were singled out or defenseless. It's not that I want anyone to suffer - but not having free will, not having freedom - is a deeper suffering than anything else. And you know this, because you've learned it."

Lizavet lowered her head. "I still do not understand why..."

"I can't make paradise this side of eternity and make it safe for humanity. You saw what happened when the Nazis tried to create a paradise. It was a hideous mockery of everything I hold dear."

"But you did not intervene."

"I had people who intervened. That is what humanity is to do. That is why they are treasures, whom I guard deeply... because they have a dangerous agency to say 'no' to evil, and to do good."

Lizavet blinked, and traced the spiral on the rock. "I would like to say this is easy to believe. But it is not."

"I agree. And I understand."


"Because sometimes I have to walk the earth like a human and see who's listening for my voice. And you, Lizavet - have always been one of those people."

She silently touched the rock, watching it glow.

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