Chapter 361: Inner Sanctum, Underground Temple, City of Diya, 1960

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Inner Sanctum

Underground Temple

City of Diya


Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Emily and Shorty slung their swords furiously at the three remaining apkallu.

Edo-apkallu watched the fight curiously. "Why are you fighting so hard?"

"LIZAVET!" Shorty yelled again.

"COULD USE SOME HELP HERE!" Emily shouted, parrying swords with a much taller apkallu. Her entire body was trembling in exhaustion mixed with fury.

"LIZAVET!" Shorty called, searching the room between swinging his sword. His back was against Emily.

"You can't possibly believe you're going to win," Edo-apkallu offered.

"If you so damned confident - get in here and fight me!" Shorty challenged.

Emily looked over her shoulder at Shorty, as she pressed her two swords against two apkallu. "Could you have timed that better? Like after we take a few more monsters out?"

"I'm ok," he shrugged.

"That's because I'm fighting two of them!" Emily snarled.

"Switch?" Shorty asked.

"Doe-se-doe," Emily replied. She pivoted on her feet, dropping her on the swords. The apkallu fell forward and Shorty slashed at both of them.

Edo-apkallu looked at Emily and joined the fight against her.

"You," Emily snarled covered in blood and tightening her grip on the swords. "If I get another proposal today - I'm going to demand your head."

"I am more than a human body - my head for your heart and body would be a simple request," Edo apkallu replied. He turned to the third apkallu. "Go and overwhelm the man. This one is mine - since the shaman woman disappeared."

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