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Because i miss them.
- June 6th, 2024

˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

It's been a while, my dark eyes look down onto a piece of paper, i take a deep breath in. The smell of grass, the sounds of birds and squirrels, the zooming cars and the laughter of children makes me at ease. My thoughts trail to the first time i ever visited this specific park, amazing memories. One glance up, pupils meeting with the soft pink leaves of the tree hovering over my head.

"Hey, you ready?"
A boy's voice snaps me back into reality, a sigh leaving my lips.

"Yeah, i'm coming."
Neri stands up from the checkered plaid she was sitting on, brushing some strands of grass off of her purple skirt, another smile creeps up at the thought of purple.
"I'll love and cherish you forever."
A strand of hair falls into her face, her delicate fingers brush it out of the way and she smiles.
"Wait up! You're walking way too fast."

"Hurry up, slowpoke."
The boy giggles, a beautiful smile spread across his lips.

"Youngjae, you're rude."
Another smile.
"I'll tell dad."
Youngjae gasps, his chest puffs up and his eyebrows furrow.

"Which one, because damn, one of them was cranky this morning."
He huffs and looks at his older sister, loving that the two of them can hang out, even though she's three years older. You see, Youngjae was adopted a few years ago, he grew up in poverty and his parents couldn't take care of him anymore. Luckily he met his dads at a fundraiser for kids in need.

"I'll tell daddy, you better run."
Neri flashes a teasing smirk, quickly catching up with Youngjae and taking him into a headlock only to rub her knuckles softly over his scalp. The boy yelps and carefully pushes her off. The two walk into their home, Neri still holding onto her sketchbook.
"We're home!"
The girl exclaims and inhales the scent of charcoal lingering in the hallway to the livingroom.
"Daddy, are you.. sketching?"

Taehyung looks up, a sparkle in his eyes catches her attention, not to mention the t-shirt and blue jeans that he calls his 'thinking outfit'.
"Hey princess, you two are home early."
Youngjae hugs his dad and presses a kiss onto his temple, the invading scent of paint and charcoal entering his nose. The radio playing softly at the other side of the living room distracts him immediately.
"Young- okay then, i lost him."
Taehyung looks back at his daughter and chuckles, a boxy smile taking place onto his lips.

"What're you painting, daddy?"
The girl lowers her sketchbook and walks over to the easel propped up in front of a big window, not being able to see the other side of the canvas. She carefully peeks around the fabric and looks at his masterpiece.
"I miss her too."
A soft smile tugs at the corners of their mouths, eyes interlocking with the beautiful eyes of Taehyung's grandma. She passed away before Youngjae joined their cozy family, but even his attention was directed to the canvas when he heard his sister speak about their grandma. The girl rubs Taehyung's shoulder and shows him her sketchbook.

"Wow, princess. This is amazing!"
She giggles once, twice, and blushes. The soft creaking of the front door creeps into her ear, making her immediately look over to the hallway. Taehyung smiles softly and pats her back.
"Go on, i'll still be here when you come back."
Jeongguk starts singing, a party popper in his hands. It's Neri's 18th birthday, her arms fly around Jeongguk's neck and his snakes around her waist, deepening the hug and pulling her against him.

"Happy birthday, princess."
Neri breaks the hug and looks at her dad, another soft smile creeps onto her lips.

"Thank you, dad. Couldn't have done it without you."
She giggles, knowing that Jeongguk has the exact same humor as she does.
"I'm sorry, but i'm going upstairs to change, Youngjae and i are supposed to meet Hara for lunch."

The two older males nod and wave her off to her room. Neri runs up the stairs, looking at the steps while doing so. She quickly steps into her bedroom and opens her closet doors, picking a white dress with a bow on the back. Neri quickly changes, touches up her make-up and puts her long black hair in a high ponytail with a pink bow on the hairtie. She glances over at the gift she got this morning along with her breakfast in bed. It's the book her dad wrote for her, the stories starting at the very first day of her life. She reaches out, turning the first page and reading the first words written in black pen.

"Hello princess, daddy here. I wrote this specially for you, if you're reading this it probably means that you've turned eightteen or snooped around my stuff again.

Have fun reading!
I love you,

"Are you ready?"
Youngjae's voice can be heard through the white wooden door seperating Neri's room from the hallway. She stands up, a confirmation emitting from her lips while she grabs her purse and shoes. Her hand reaches out, revealing her younger brother patiently waiting for her.

"Yes, i am."
The pair walks down the stairs and out of the door, a last bye sounding towards their proud dads.

Taehyung looks at his lover, a loving gaze pulling Jeongguk's in.
A soft hum escapes Jeongguk's throat, he softly places his hand on Taehyung's back and caresses the fabric of the male's shirt with his thumb.

"Nothing, i'm just so glad that everything turned out well."
A sweet smile takes place onto Jeongguk's face, his features still the same as when Taehyung met him, only riper aged and more toned.
"You're so handsome."
Jeongguk blushes a soft shade of pink, loving that the two of them can still flirt with each other as if they're still 20 and 22. The younger kisses Taehyung's head.

"And you're so beautiful."

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