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Taehyung turns the volume of the radio up, dancing and singing along with his grandma while washing the dishes.
"I think i fell in love with an art hoe!"

Taehyung gasps and stops his movements, he never would've expect his grandma to sing along to such 'filthy' words. He suddenly bursts into laughter and continues singing along with her. The ambience of the two can make their own day, Taehyung makes sure he takes all the time he has to do simple things like this with his grandma because before he knows it's over and he can't ever do it again with her.

Taehyung grabs her hands and starts dancing and jumping around the house, not caring about the complaints they can get from the neighbors due to the loud music.

Taehyung slightly hears his phone ringing, turning the volume down and asking his grandma if she can pick it up, not expecting it to be a facetime call at eleven in the morning.

The boy turns around when he hears his grandma squeal and sees her wave at his phone.

"Grandma? What's going on?"
He giggles and stands behind her to see who she's facetiming with.

"Oh my, Neri! Did you steal daddy's phone?"
Taehyung giggles and takes the phone from his grandma, placing it against a big candle on his coffee table and sits back so the girl could see him clearly, his grandmother sitting next to him.

"N-no! I borrowed it without tellin' daddy."
She giggles slightly and presses her finger to her lips, indicating that the two can't tell her father.

"Neri? What are you doing?"
The girl squeals and drops the phone on the couch, making Taehyung and his grandmother laugh at her silliness.

The rustling and whispering on the other side of the line indicates that Jeongguk is picking his phone up from between the cushions of the couch and pulling it up towards his face.

His hair is ruffled and sticking out like a mess, lips red and his chest is only covered by a shirt that's way to big, slightly exposing his collarbones. He yawns and rubs his eyes before he realises that Taehyung and his grandma are watching him.
"Oh shi- u-uhm i mean hi."
Taehyung giggles at the male, receiving a poke in his side from his grandmother.

The boy trails his hand through his dark locks, pushing his hair back.
"How long has she been calling you a-already?"
Taehyung chuckles and tells him that she started only 5 minutes ago, reassuring him.

Jeongguk places his phone on his table as well, grabbing his cup of coffee and placing Neri on his thigh, slightly bouncing it up and down to make her giggle.

"I wished we met on different circumstances, miss Kim. Taehyung told us a lot about you."
She smiles brightly and looks at her grandson, sparkles in their eyes and love lingering between them.

"It's perfect like this, Jeongguk. Taehyung told me a lot about you two as well."
She winks and receives a soft slap on her arm from Taehyung.

"I hope it's been positive stuff about me, Taehyung is quite special to us, miss."
Jeongguk smiles brightly and hears Neri call for 'Tata' telling him how much she misses him.
"Especially to Neri."

Taehyung could faint right at this moment. The male was so good looking, so sweet and so endearing. His smile could light up a thousand of streets and shine brighter than the stars do at night.

Neri whispers into her father's ear, who points at, what Taehyung guesses, the dinner table. She jumps off of Jeongguk's leg and runs off, not long after returning with a piece of paper in her hands.

"L-look Tata! I made this specilally for you!"
Taehyung coo's at her pronunciation and asks if she can come closer so he could see it.

A drawing of the three of them under the cherry tree where they met is shown on the screen.
"Aw that's so pretty Neri! Thank you so much."
Taehyung blows her a kiss and looks at his grandmother.

"What about you and daddy come over to give it to him, sweetheart?"
His grandma softly taps Taehyung's knee and winks at him.

"Sounds like a plan, doesn't it, princess?"
Neri jumps excitedly and tries to take off her shirt while running off so she could get dressed and leave.

Jeongguk smiles brightly, yelling at her to be careful on the stairs and that he'll be right there.

"I guess i'll see you in two hours."
Taehyung nods and says goodbye, ending the call before turning to his grandmother and looking at her.

"What the dang was that about?"
He giggles in an embarrassed manner and decides to get dressed himself.

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